Just one quick question about copper nitrate!!!!!!!!!

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Nov 24, 2008
Just one Quick question I have solution of copper nitrate and would like to know how to remove the copper out thanks
CuNO3 (copper nitrate), there can be several ways to get the copper out,
you can displace the metal with a lower metal in the electromotive series, making a nitrate of the more active metal, and precipitating your copper,
a metal like zink (Zn) , or Iron (Fe) , Etcetera. look up electomotive series,or EMF series, this is an important principle to know in the refining work.
CuNO3 + Zn --->ZnNO3 + Cu
so here copper nitrate and zink change into zink nitrate and copper powder.

Or you can, and I would distill it to recover the nitric acid, bubbling the gas into water, if your temperature is 120 deg.C you would get a little less than 68% HNO3 back, the dilute your copper in water add a little acid (H2SO4 would workhere)and then zink to precipitate your copper from zink sulfate solution
DAMN!!!!!!, Johny...I thought you were only interested on gold....

Butcher is right...another way to recovering the copper is:

To your copper nitrate add some common salt,stirr well,add the same volume of water then dip an iron slab..the cooper will get on the slab so shake it and the brown mud will precipitate.

The funny way is recovering tjhe copper with aluminium...drink all beer you can...collect all the cans...melt them into a slab and dip it in your solution as I told you above.



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