LCD Goodies

Gold Refining Forum

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This is what Merck, world leader in LCD technology says about the content of LCD screens:

in english:
0,1% LC (liquid crystal = worthless)
85% glass (worthless)
15% plastic (worthless)
0,01% indium (barely nothing)

Indium is regarded to be toxic!

Facts on indium:

price today : 500 USD/Kg

I love this dude:

EDIT: Forgot to mention that some LCDs do use backlights that contain Hg and can easyly breake then Hg (mercury) evaporates from them into air. They are white tubes located behind the panel. Hg will go into air esp. in warm climates. Hg is toxic. So don´t breake them!
Hello all , how are tricks?
I hope all is well!
Marcel , thank you for the chart , now I know to just remove the boards and send the screens straight back out for recycling when I get them! :lol:
I'm deffinatly careful with the backlight tubes , but not because I knew that they might contain mercury , so thanks for the heads up guy's I intend on being double careful with these now! 8)
All the very best everybody , and kind regards ,
Chris :mrgreen:
very interesting read indeed, I wounder if there is a way to collect some of the gallium from those lcd's, its neat stuff liquid at room temp, but safe to handle as long as you dont eat it