leaching cats with hcl-cl

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arthur kierski

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2008
são paulo---brazil
it was mentioned that one can use 15% hcl ------i would like to know if it is 15% volume(150cc hcl in a liter) or 15 % of 32%hcl(that is 480cc of hcl per liter)??

I have been using my 32% HCl diluted with an equal volume of water on cats with excellent results. The extra water allows more chlorine to be in the solution and has the added benefit of making it easier to precipitate the pregnant solution with zinc. Not to mention it saves on HCl costs.

Your 15% muriatic acid should be just fine. You may even be able to get by diluting it also. Try a few small side by side experiments and let us know.

thanks Steve for the reply----i was doing hcl +clorox without any water ,in a closed plastic vessel(all the cl2 generated stayed in the vessel)with the cats substrate)----my results were good ,but i think that with this dilution 1to1 hcl :h20,they will be better
i will let you know as soon as posssible the results

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