little solder ok in ap ,reuse,reuse,reuse! now lots solder

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2011
Fullerton ,California. usa
Hello everyone
Just like the title says.
If I am reusing my AP and a little bit of solder is introduced each time when does it become to much and what do I do
to get it out of my AP(not my. Auricle chloride)
also I think I understand the oxygen atom is what muriattic needs to make copper chlorate which is
What dissolves our base metals but doesn't the
copper chloride get used in the process or e even
Evaporate, when do you add something and what do I look for.1more thing, is there any benefit to
using more solution than just to cover your stuff
Last time I finished the boards. I sprayed out my reaction chamber,added old AP Addison pins. Is this OK. Thanks steyr223
just add more fresh hcl if the reaction slows. one way i found to remove some copper and alot of tin is to dilute the solution with some water. it doesn't take soon as the water goes in copper chloride crystals will form.if the solution is too dark to see through, then add enough water to to make it emerald green (don't do this in your reaction chamber,use a bucket).remove liquid from the copper chloride crystals. use a hot plate and a non metal pot (crock-pot or coffee pot) and heat the solution hot enough for steam to rise and keep it hot to evaporate water. when the solution has been reduced back to the original volume remove the heat and allow to cool (decant liquid from any crystals that formed) as the liquid cools tin chloride crystals will precipitate. let the solution cool completely and all the crystals form that will and decant liquid back into your reaction chamber. top off with a little fresh hcl and your ready to go seems like alot when you can drop the copper,neutralize and start a fresh batch but after you do it a couple of times its easy.
Geo said:
just add more fresh hcl if the reaction slows. one way i found to remove some copper and alot of tin is to dilute the solution with some water. it doesn't take soon as the water goes in copper chloride crystals will form.if the solution is too dark to see through, then add enough water to to make it emerald green (don't do this in your reaction chamber,use a bucket).remove liquid from the copper chloride crystals. use a hot plate and a non metal pot (crock-pot or coffee pot) and heat the solution hot enough for steam to rise and keep it hot to evaporate water. when the solution has been reduced back to the original volume remove the heat and allow to cool (decant liquid from any crystals that formed) as the liquid cools tin chloride crystals will precipitate. let the solution cool completely and all the crystals form that will and decant liquid back into your reaction chamber. top off with a little fresh hcl and your ready to go seems like alot when you can drop the copper,neutralize and start a fresh batch but after you do it a couple of times its easy.
Geo, have a ? can you reuse the tin crystals and make stannious test solution. Just wonding.

if it were pure tin then i would say yes, but this tin chloride is contaminated with many different base metals and would be unsuitable for testing purposes.
Hay thanks. Geo
The reason I ask is because well
let me show you the picture

To me it seems there is that kinda mucky coating on
all the pins and connectors and looks greyish. To
Thanks geo


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that is tin plating out. add a little hcl to finish that batch and then clean the solution or start with new solution.
Those fittings are brass and contain zinc.That is saturating the solution and forcing out everything else.That is why the solution appears clear.A saturated copper chloride solution will look like mud.
Thanks guys
Geo do you mean the batch is OK
or is it Fubar'd

Mic dude what's up. OK I know I'm color blind
But the solution is a murky green
when I shine light on one side you ciant see it on the other side
The reason it looks clear could be from the sun was to my back and the camera was only like maybe 3 inches from the bottom of my reaction
how long has it been like that? if its been a couple of days, then yea, start a new batch or clean the solution up. if you just started it add a few hundred ml's of hcl and let it do its thing and clean it up after.
Whoops I just got what you said Mic
being colorblind I might have confused a
couple brass fittings for some gold plated ones maybe all of them :idea: :shock:
Bur the pins are high yield "
there are several base metal that dissolve in AP and nickle is another. nickle is the one that will stop the process cold.zinc is a metal used to precipitate gold so its low on the reactivity scale close to aluminum.zinc will also precipitate out of solution with the process i described.if zinc cements out in metal form then there shouldnt be much nickle in solution.
my last process took about 10 days as I had to be properly situated
I emptied (filtered) the AP 3 different times

I forgot to say after i finishrd the process

Within 16 hrs I poured my pins and Connectors In
I added maybe 2-3oz of muriatic and 6 oz of peroxide
that was 48 hrs ago
thanks steyr223
temperature is also a factor. cold will slow the process by alot, if you think its been taking more time than it should (your the one thats been using this setup) then it may be time to clean it up or start with fresh solution.
So do you mean Start a different batch or put this one In
a new fresh solution
can't I just shake the bottle really hard to
Get the tin off :shock: :idea:

Serious. So if the tin comes from the solder and goes into solution which I thought
Was insoluble in acid it then comes out of solution due to being lower on the reactivity
Scale than zinc and replates overnight my gold
Is. This close
Thanks geo for. The chemistry. Lessons
By the way I found some elemental mercury In powder form ..could you use this
mercury is frowned upon in any processing,its too dangerous to handle and cant be sold in small quantities.don't touch it with your bare hands because it can be absorbed through the skin and stays in your liver for life causing all sorts of health problems.tin dissolves in hcl acid and will redeposit due to several factors,temperature change,ionic exchange and dilution of the solution are just a few.being lower on the reactivity scale doesn't always apply to tin as it will redeposit on to gold or copper,actually it will redeposit on any available surface,even glass.when i said start a fresh batch,i was talking about solution.if you do start with fresh solution give the material you have going now a quick rinse with some fresh hcl to remove as much of that crud as will come off ,and then start your fresh solution.if you can,heat about a quart of the old solution to a boil and remove from the heat and let it cool,this will force most of the unwanted base metal out of the copper chloride.after it cools you can add this back to your solution to jump start the reaction.
Thanks Geo
Ill try to do today
I am curious if tin plates back that easily isn't
there something you could put in that would take
The plating before it got to the gold say at the start if
you knew this would happen

Does this happen instantly (the into solution and then
out and plate) is there maybe a way to put in pins then after a
period take them out clean or put a Patsy platee :| in to collect all tin
Then put pins back.
These questions are just my learning process not actually to do
Just to make clear I keep saying pins but the mini cable type connectors
are the issue even after removing with tourch and tapping out solder
And then smashing
i pretreat my pins in straight hcl before AP.this removes solder and any small pieces of copper wire.tin,when dissolved with hcl will stay in suspension until the solution changes whether its the state of agitation or change in temps.all the tin will not plate out,just the excess until you make more come out by either heating and cooling or dilution. im trying to fgure out why tin and zinc plates out better when you add a little bleach to the solution(when your cleaning it up, not with material in it).
Geo wrote " mercury is frowned upon in any processing,its too dangerous to handle and cant be sold in small quantities.don't touch it with your bare hands because it can be absorbed through the skin and stays in your liver for life causing all sorts of health problems."
I haven't,I wont.that's why I wantto give it to you :LOL:

I learned from fluminates.
but I figured you and some others here could use it responsibley
Ill pay the postage (had a really really really good day)
Geo gets first if not anyon else thats been here for say
The start of time
it's nit much ill have to look
"I think jar was 1 1/2" in diameter maybe 2" of powder
How did you come up with the following info? "By the way I found some elemental mercury In powder form .." I've not heard of this, I have heard of mercury/gold sponge which could appear powdered, or crushed cinnibar which is an ore of mercury.

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