little solder ok in ap ,reuse,reuse,reuse! now lots solder

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here you go,

Most Reactive
Gold Li+
Cr2+, Cr3+
Fe2+, Fe3+
Au+, Au3+
Least Reactive

for our purposes gold would be at the top with lithium at the bottom.

i believe the mercury is an aggregate used in dentistry to form fillings.

EDIT: i spoke to a dentist friend of mine and he told me its part of a clean up kit for mercury spills.its a three piece kit with a base (whats in the bottle) and an activator (sulfamic acid) and a neutralizer.
Ok I have taken all pins out,cleaned my reaction vessel with water. And muriatic
Now I took all pins into Bucket added muriatic and swished around quit a bit I did this 5 timed
I noticed a lot of gold so I put through screen and collected .this is what the pins look like now
Is the gold been deplated or is it covered up they look done
Any ways I will trial them in a crockpot while I filter the AP solution
Geo can u shoot me your info phone only shows the first part of the pm after it has been read once


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Ok wrong. Not doneq
This is after muriatic in the crockpot twice
and rigorous stirring

I noticed. After I stopped stirring the tin would plate back quickly, are least it was much more golden directly after stirring in crock pot (Do not breath these fumes)
At this time I would pour off. Muriatic and add new muriatic did 3 times
I our all in new AP solution 64oz muriatic 32oz peroxide


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I think this is a good example of why it would be best to use an H2SO4 cell for the type of material you are trying to process. AP is reserved more for material where the plastic(or other non metal material) is much higher than the metal content. Ex. memory fingers. You live and learn.
I have my next batch sitting in muratic
I will let you know if I agree when finished

Geo can't read pm at all now the view cuts all off after. The first pm (no scroll in individual pm)
And the control panel does nothing when deleting marked pm
Let me know if you still want after you see this unless You have the base it's no good from what I can make out it's for cleaning up mercury spills


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i spoke to a dentist friend of mine because i knew it was used in his dental first i thought it was aggregate for silver fillings but after speaking with him he explained it was a component from a kit that contains the base (what you have) and sulfamic acid and a neutralizer. its used to clean up mercury not really sure what i could use it for.if anyone else can use it then pass it on.

btw, its true, 8th grade. i went to the 9th but never finished. i had to quit and get a job to support my new family.babies making babies. :cry: but now after all the years thats went by i wouldnt change a thing as my children and now my grand children is my whole life. :)
I was at the post office yesterday trying to send the package but my phone wouldn't work ,glad it didn't I couldn't find your information to send that so after banging my head against the wall for 3 hours and the form getting stuck in a loop making me sign on going to page to make me sign on going back page

Does anyone else have this problem

Anyways my pins plated back over again but it's cool I see a lot more gold floating around so I wash it do the same thing then I just keep recovering

Each time an issue arises I accelerate my learning 10fold. If all went perfect I wouldn't learn nothing
Any anx all suggestions are always welcome thanks eveeyone thanks geo I'll keep you posted
steyr223 said:
I have my next batch sitting in muratic
I will let you know if I agree when finished

It's not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing. It's a matter of what has been proven to work. Although you will eventually recover all of your gold the method you are using is not the most efficient. With an H2SO4 cell you could recover the gold from your batch of scrap in 15-20 minutes. Thats including setting up the cell. I just wanted to point this out for anyone new to the forum reading this thread. It will give them another avenue to explore. My comments weren't meant to be negative so please don't take it that way. Please let us know when you are done and your lessons learned.
wipe the smirk of your face :lol:
Lesson learned :roll:
The only reason I did this in AP was one of our members
A highly respected member had answered one of my comments-
about all metal based scrap goes In cell with-
AP will work for anything it just takesmore time
And one more thing
You were wrong :shock: I didn't recover all my gold.:LOL:
So there :mrgreen:
I decided to pull Everything
Out on the 8TH wash and put it in a cell
I got tired of the plating over q:-- why does everyone referr to a copper mesh when Steve shows 2 lead pieces anode and Cathol.
I agree with goldenchild that a deplating cell is faster. But I just wanted to post this for any new members. Faster is not always better.

A deplating cell has to be monitored very close. Bcause of heat and to try and reduce the ammount of base metals that could go into the solution. Both the cell and the AP method have their dangers and you need to be very fimmilar with all the dangers before choosing the best method for you personally.

I chose the AP method for my pins because I personally don't always have the time to sit and monitor a process because I could get called into work at any time and because I have 2 small children that keep me busy. But the biggest reason I chose the AP method is because hot acid does not forgive......AT ALL! Like I said before both metods can be very dangerous, but the other day I splashed a very tiny blob of AP on my arm and I washed it immeaditly with water and soap nd I did not get hurt, luckly. But had I made that mistake with hot acid from a cell I wuld have undoubtly had a burn.

Again, I want to say to everyone. Learn everything about yur process before you proceed. Then start very small testing to be sure you can acomplish it safely before just copying what you see on a video. (Steve, your videos are awesome by the way!) And keep in mind what I said at the beginning of this rant, faster is not necessarly better.

Thank you fo letting me put in my 2 cents.
The cell is best run at room temperature. The greatest risk is in concentrating battery acid for the cell.

But yes a drop of concentrated sulfuric may even have left a mark. :cry:

A cell and an hour or two when the kids are in bed and you could have been finished and everything put away safely.
Yes qst42know I understand the cell is best run at room temp. But doesn't it build up heat as it runs? And from what I have read this temp must be watched carefully and at times the process will have to be stopped to allow the cell to cool. Is this correct?

And the process for concentrating the acid also involves heat, and therefor hot acid, correct?

I'm not advocating either of these process and I'm sorry if it came out that way. I mearly wanted new users to understand that just because 5 out of 6 people say a process of any kind is better than another does not mean that it would be the best for everyone.

I would like to set up a cell my self one day, so I'm definatly not "knocking" this process.

But for what it is worth, my oppinion (and its just that, an oppinion) is that as long as your are safely following a proven process of any kind and it works well for your situation, what ever it may be. Then that process is the best.
Tek, keep in mind, that if is just a hobby & time doesn't matter, the AP is fine; but if time is of essence, because its a bussiness, then the faster the better... again, just my opinion.

Take care!

Wow thanks everybody I do appreciate all the input
not positive I think harold was the 1 that said
something like to reinvent the wheel is not the challenge
but to follow step by step procedure that is proven without error
He was so right
here I thought I was a pretty smart guy
Follow step by step procedure no problem
17 times later ,getting there

Then my friends ask me to help them teach them show them and I just laugh
Thanks steyr223
there is a place for all the processes we do but in practice it all comes down to what a person is comfortable with doing.for a long time i didn't want to use AR because i didn't know how to clear the free nitric and messed up the first time i tried badly.i did knuckle down and practiced till i got it right and now i have no problem with it.the first recovery of Escrap i did was with a stripping cell.the first 15 pounds of pins i did was in a scrap bucket for a couple of months as i was learning something else, in that time the pins had oxidized and it was a big green mass.when i decided to sell scrap i was thinking they may turn it back because they couldn't tell what it was, so i rinsed then in some diluted hcl.when i did :shock: i could see gold plating on many of the pins.i dried them and tried to pick through them but it was way too many,almost half still had some gold and i had to run them through the cell again.i believe the word for this is convenience,when you sacrifice one thing for the sake of time.the cell is faster,but to get the most out of it is very tedious or you will sacrifice gold for the convenience of speed.AP is sure that you will recover all the gold you put in as long as you dont spill it or throw it away somehow.

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