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Chemical Looking for info on cyanide leaching for plated items.

Gold Refining Forum

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Notes on CN processing.

1) Attend/take the online safety course before using.
2) As previously mentioned have a calibrated and tested detector on hand.
3) Have the antidote kit on hand for each individual participating in the process. Cyanide Antidotes - CHEMM
4) Use proper clean up procedures on all equipment that comes in contact with the CN solutions (hoses, funnels, filters, glass, pumps, etc) immediately after the processing is complete.

Stay safe.

Thanks for your concern. I only wish I'd join this forum earlier. Would have avoided too many mistakes and uncautious pratices.

Will definitely go through these!
Thanks for your concern. I only wish I'd join this forum earlier. Would have avoided too many mistakes and uncautious pratices.

Will definitely go through these!
Just a question.
What material are you planning to run through the Cyanide leach?
I'm not quite sure. I may use it for the fingers as my last resort I suppose. But other than that I now believe the CuCl2 is the process I plan to carry.