Perhaps this belongs in the silver forum but this place gets more traffic. Attepted to do so some silver refining today using some metal i got my hands on. Its a copper silver mix with about it being 20% or so silver. I would of maybe been better to build a cell for this but I wanted to attempt the project this way. Have a 2L flask there and only had so much time to work with today. Started off adding 50/50 nitric at first as that didnt react so strongly. Then started adding the nitric at the full strength. Got a little warm but made sure the water was iced well. Added close to 750ml of acid total. It was slow going as there is alot of metal there. Also what was very slow going was trying to filter the stuff. Either lots of non disolved things in there due to me not cleaning it well enough or something. Also does the green color mean just a high copper content as I only ever seen it blue and didnt get that green color until i was done with adding acid. First time I only experimented with a few grams of dust. I'll be going in again monday to hopefully disolve as much as I can. I also tossed in some gold plated and 10k to the metal when i was melting it down for shot so there is some gold in there. When I build my own hood in my work shop I think this would be a great hobby to have as its something you need to take its time. Cant set it and forget it but certainly something else could be done while you wait for the acid to disolve the metal.
The setup
A nice little number of the reaction
The green
How I had to leave it.
Was wondering what was gumming up my filters so fast and if there was a faster way to get around it? Perhaps I'll have to wait till everything is disolved to solve that problem. Remaining optimistic that on monday I can get the rest of that disolved hopefully though I have a feeling it wont. Its all shot but still alot wieghing in at 6 or so pounds. Thanks for checking this out and any comments you may have. Hope this helps to give other begineers like me an idea of the process and how time consuming it is. Check back in a few days to see how I progress.
The setup

A nice little number of the reaction

The green

How I had to leave it.

Was wondering what was gumming up my filters so fast and if there was a faster way to get around it? Perhaps I'll have to wait till everything is disolved to solve that problem. Remaining optimistic that on monday I can get the rest of that disolved hopefully though I have a feeling it wont. Its all shot but still alot wieghing in at 6 or so pounds. Thanks for checking this out and any comments you may have. Hope this helps to give other begineers like me an idea of the process and how time consuming it is. Check back in a few days to see how I progress.