Looking for Refiner in Norcal / US West Coast

Gold Refining Forum

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New member
Oct 17, 2020
Hello everybody,

I am looking for a refiner able / willing to process a small batch of Aluminum casing CPUs for me. I have about 20 lbs. of these right now (another 25 lbs in my European storage) - fingers have been trimmed.
I would prefer someone on the US West Coast, ideally in Northern California / San Francisco Bay Area.
If this is something you could do please DM me so that we can discuss costs / fees / logistics.
I reckon processing is fairly straight-forward as the Gold bonding wires are already exposed.



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I am looking for an individual in the northern Houston area or spring/tomball, tx area that may be interested in refining my gold quickly for a percentage?
I have the knowhow but nit the funds for the tools ect just yet. But I need rent money and need some help. Anyone from around that area that refines?
I'm too chicken to mail it out. I think it will get stolen and I'll be sol. Like everyone I know that has mailed it out has been robbed.
Big drag.
Please reach out asap. Thanks so much!

I am looking for an individual in the northern Houston area or spring/tomball, tx area that may be interested in refining my gold quickly for a percentage?
I have the knowhow but nit the funds for the tools ect just yet. But I need rent money and need some help. Anyone from around that area that refines?
I'm too chicken to mail it out. I think it will get stolen and I'll be sol. Like everyone I know that has mailed it out has been robbed.
Big drag.
Please reach out asap. Thanks so much!
Good night
I have a lot of experience refining gold, silver, platinum, palladium and any precious metal, especially in Colombia South America and I want to migrate to the US. I have worked with several refineries in COLOMBIA, SOUTH AMERICA. I can advise you or do a learning consultancy,
Good night
I have a lot of experience refining gold, silver, platinum, palladium and any precious metal, especially in Colombia South America and I want to migrate to the US. I have worked with several refineries in COLOMBIA, SOUTH AMERICA. I can advise you or do a learning consultancy,
Hello, I love your forums and thankful for your site. I am still having issues learning and now rent due and still have not yet been able to get to the button stage with little money to invest. Rent due tomorrow and wondering since I cannot get nitric acid or even find any hyd acid without it bei g inside of cement cleaners. Any quick way I could use heat to get my foils or even just some better info on what type of bowl to use with electro removing g and what the volts should be when doing that. I am capable of many things and have lots of tools but need a few missing answers to go through with not messing things up and actually making some money to pay rent and of course when I have it will do n ate here. I have a lot if com o uter electronics just few resources and already my batch broke a vase I was using to make the solution. Any good ideas for the quick removal of foils would be appreciated. How to make my own heat oven? I can best use heat or the electrode way if any ideas there. I am running out of time and my son having an anxiety attack over paying the rent. Have materials just need quickest methods to get this done then will go buy all correct items to do this continually. Any help would be appreciated. I bought nitric acid thru Walmart on line. Think it was water. Did absolutely nothing. So bummed:(
Hello, I love your forums and thankful for your site. I am still having issues learning and now rent due and still have not yet been able to get to the button stage with little money to invest. Rent due tomorrow and wondering since I cannot get nitric acid or even find any hyd acid without it bei g inside of cement cleaners. Any quick way I could use heat to get my foils or even just some better info on what type of bowl to use with electro removing g and what the volts should be when doing that. I am capable of many things and have lots of tools but need a few missing answers to go through with not messing things up and actually making some money to pay rent and of course when I have it will do n ate here. I have a lot if com o uter electronics just few resources and already my batch broke a vase I was using to make the solution. Any good ideas for the quick removal of foils would be appreciated. How to make my own heat oven? I can best use heat or the electrode way if any ideas there. I am running out of time and my son having an anxiety attack over paying the rent. Have materials just need quickest methods to get this done then will go buy all correct items to do this continually. Any help would be appreciated. I bought nitric acid thru Walmart on line. Think it was water. Did absolutely nothing. So bummed:(
If I can get my first batches actually refined I can do something.bam starting a business as well as just trying to pay the bills this way while doing so. Copper has gone down and killed my bottom line there and my truck engine going out so cannot now collect metal nightly. Things have gone from bad, loosing my job, to worse. Can't find new job and no savings now after 6 months out of work. Sold the gold I did have to pay last months rent so need to make some but could really use dome help on quiest methods from computer parts and maybe burning them to recover. Is my easiest and most acceptable tool. Fire I mean. I've just bought 2 propane hand held tanks to hopfully help. Can gold foul be scrapped off thr boards using heat pad do you think? I think I've seen that somewhere. Going to try it. Refinery here says they will buy anything I ng I have in a bead, even if not pure. Just need to get close. Not money for testing kit so I have a hard time now and then separating silver from other metals to mix with my gold. Anyway, your site is awesome for everyone interested and will be donating soon as I am able. Thank you for having it. Realky appreciate it.
This 1st batch I had going I think I messed up as I had no nitric acid so used bleach but then added nitric after. Not sure hiw tonfix it if if it's gonna work. Will see how that goes by tomorrow. Also only have sulfuric bicarbonate. No sulfuric meta so not sure how that will work. Take care and thanks again!
If I can get my first batches actually refined I can do something.bam starting a business as well as just trying to pay the bills this way while doing so. Copper has gone down and killed my bottom line there and my truck engine going out so cannot now collect metal nightly. Things have gone from bad, loosing my job, to worse. Can't find new job and no savings now after 6 months out of work. Sold the gold I did have to pay last months rent so need to make some but could really use dome help on quiest methods from computer parts and maybe burning them to recover. Is my easiest and most acceptable tool. Fire I mean. I've just bought 2 propane hand held tanks to hopfully help. Can gold foul be scrapped off thr boards using heat pad do you think? I think I've seen that somewhere. Going to try it. Refinery here says they will buy anything I ng I have in a bead, even if not pure. Just need to get close. Not money for testing kit so I have a hard time now and then separating silver from other metals to mix with my gold. Anyway, your site is awesome for everyone interested and will be donating soon as I am able. Thank you for having it. Realky appreciate it.
This 1st batch I had going I think I messed up as I had no nitric acid so used bleach but then added nitric after. Not sure hiw tonfix it if if it's gonna work. Will see how that goes by tomorrow. Also only have sulfuric bicarbonate. No sulfuric meta so not sure how that will work. Take care and thanks again!
Sent those reply to others but may e you could help? Haven't had anyone reply so could use some guidance for sure. Thank you!
Hello, I love your forums and thankful for your site. I am still having issues learning and now rent due and still have not yet been able to get to the button stage with little money to invest. Rent due tomorrow and wondering since I cannot get nitric acid or even find any hyd acid without it bei g inside of cement cleaners. Any quick way I could use heat to get my foils or even just some better info on what type of bowl to use with electro removing g and what the volts should be when doing that. I am capable of many things and have lots of tools but need a few missing answers to go through with not messing things up and actually making some money to pay rent and of course when I have it will do n ate here. I have a lot if com o uter electronics just few resources and already my batch broke a vase I was using to make the solution. Any good ideas for the quick removal of foils would be appreciated. How to make my own heat oven? I can best use heat or the electrode way if any ideas there. I am running out of time and my son having an anxiety attack over paying the rent. Have materials just need quickest methods to get this done then will go buy all correct items to do this continually. Any help would be appreciated. I bought nitric acid thru Walmart on line. Think it was water. Did absolutely nothing. So bummed:(
How did you use said Nitric?
If I can get my first batches actually refined I can do something.bam starting a business as well as just trying to pay the bills this way while doing so. Copper has gone down and killed my bottom line there and my truck engine going out so cannot now collect metal nightly. Things have gone from bad, loosing my job, to worse. Can't find new job and no savings now after 6 months out of work. Sold the gold I did have to pay last months rent so need to make some but could really use dome help on quiest methods from computer parts and maybe burning them to recover. Is my easiest and most acceptable tool. Fire I mean. I've just bought 2 propane hand held tanks to hopfully help. Can gold foul be scrapped off thr boards using heat pad do you think? I think I've seen that somewhere. Going to try it. Refinery here says they will buy anything I ng I have in a bead, even if not pure. Just need to get close. Not money for testing kit so I have a hard time now and then separating silver from other metals to mix with my gold. Anyway, your site is awesome for everyone interested and will be donating soon as I am able. Thank you for having it. Realky appreciate it.
This 1st batch I had going I think I messed up as I had no nitric acid so used bleach but then added nitric after. Not sure hiw tonfix it if if it's gonna work. Will see how that goes by tomorrow. Also only have sulfuric bicarbonate. No sulfuric meta so not sure how that will work. Take care and thanks again!
Welcome by the way.

Patience now, this is an international forum, run by volunteers, so things take time.
Timezones can be challenging.

Nothing wrong about dreams and ideas.

But would you consider starting an autorepair shop after you have learned to swap tires?
I recommend studying more and practicing more, you will soon enough discover if it is for you.
Hello everybody,

I am looking for a refiner able / willing to process a small batch of Aluminum casing CPUs for me. I have about 20 lbs. of these right now (another 25 lbs in my European storage) - fingers have been trimmed.
I would prefer someone on the US West Coast, ideally in Northern California / San Francisco Bay Area.
If this is something you could do please DM me so that we can discuss costs / fees / logistics.
I reckon processing is fairly straight-forward as the Gold bonding wires are already exposed.

Curious if you ever found a bay area refiner. We currently accrue somewhere around 1-2000lbs per month and would love to find a local outlet.
Curious if you ever found a bay area refiner. We currently accrue somewhere around 1-2000lbs per month and would love to find a local outlet.
Curious if you ever found a bay area refiner. We currently accrue somewhere around 1-2000lbs per month and would love to find a local outlet.
Unfortunately not, I am still looking for someone on the West Coast who could refine these CPUs for me (as well as some Gold fingers & PINs from E-scrap) ...

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