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I am new to this site. I am a retired Process control engineer with industural process control instrumentation and automation experiance. My intrest is recovering gold,Platnium,and Silver to be used in my Jewlery design and sale of material recovered beyond my current needs. I have a great deal of chemical process knowledge and farmilar with basic metalurgy. The refining of gold and silver from my jewlery scrap is pretty basic is balic chemistry to me butt the other recovery processes I see mentioned on this site are foreign to me. I am also have need to know about heavy metals disposal and other environmental issues. I have access to afull chemical lab but no industrial equipment as yet. This site looks eactly like what I need to learn more about nobel metals recovery processes and the buesiness side of the equation.

Any guidance as to how to navigate this site and be a constructive member to its forums would be greatly appreciated.

TKS LarryS
Welcome to the forum:
Open up a topic by Lazersteve and take his guided tour. Then visit his website. Then open up a topic by Pallidum and download information from his signature lines.
Lots of reading to do ahead for you!!!!!! :D

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