lye in my AP solution

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I tried this once it left three layers of a mess. Something like clear, blue, and black. Gold was left suspended in the bottom layer.
it would drop the copper too correct ?
the addition of sodium hydoxide wasnt intentional when i added additional material to the solution some of the items were contaminated with lye which cleared my whole solution and what looked to be copper dropped mixed with the gold that was stripped. but some items appear to have been cemented with copper too.
so my AP is dead right ? so filtering and boil in hcl should clean it up, yes ?
thank you again barren. so really all i have to is filter out the gold foil/copper, rinse and put back into another AP solution. and of course rinse clean the material that wasnt completed.
would that be true with all common chemical based gold refining solution meaning sodium hydroxide being a precipitent ? i know its not selective in what it precipitates, i was just curious
Let your material settle and then siphon off your solution it will be easier and less time consuming to get to your material.

Yes pretty much with all of it when you raise the PH.
Since sodium is the only metal whose hydroxide form is soluble in water, it is used to drop other metals from solution, indiscriminately. However, the precipitate is flocculent, very "fluffy", for lack of a better word. It also acts as something of a buffering agent, allowing the metals to remain mixed & difficult to separate.
dtectr said:
Since sodium is the only metal whose hydroxide form is soluble in water, it is used to drop other metals from solution, indiscriminately. However, the precipitate is flocculent, very "fluffy", for lack of a better word. It also acts as something of a buffering agent, allowing the metals to remain mixed & difficult to separate.

With this is mind, would this a good way to reduce the waste generated with all this refining? I would have to see how much lye it would take to neutralize "X" amount of AP, but having a dry solid and then a liquid that I could get rid of would be pretty nice. I'll have to look on here with a a little more detail. I'm sure someone has asked this before. If not... throw some knowledge my way:)

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