I think the best way to explain this is to give you a numbered step by step procedure to follow the you can ask for more detail based on which step is causing questions to arise. I'll start at the beginning when the bars originally enter your facility.I'll start with stannous chloride for testing, but i'm not sure of the method of collection from the solutions
- Melt and sample the bars for assay, a vacuum dip sample is the best way to do this.
- Assay the bars for Gold and for Silver. As silver may vary we want to assure the silver content is not exceeding the level where gold entrapment causes excessive Gold hung up in the chlorides.
- With both Gold and Silver assays it is easier to mix the bars together for a process lot by "diluting" the high Silver bars with bars of lower Silver content, keeping the Silver as low as possible will make for more consistent and predictable results.
- Melt the bars you select for a refining lot together and draw a sample before pouring the gold into water to make shot for refining. The sample need not be assayed but in the event of a shortage, it is nice to have a sample of what you started with. This is more of a measure to detect employee theft issues but it is good to have.
- Dry the shot and verify the start weight for this refining lot.
- Open up the large charging port on the tumbler and add all of the shot to be refined. Close the charging port tightly and start the tumbler rotating.
- Turn on the cold water flow to the condenser.
- Add the required Hydrochloric Acid from the overhead Hydrochloric Acid reservoir.
- Add about 1/3 of the total required Nitric Acid and wait about 20 minutes for the reaction to die down.
- Add the second 1/3 of the nitric and continue rotation for 20 more minutes.
- Finally add the balance of the Nitric Acid and let the rotation to continue for a total of 3 1/2 to 4 hours.
- If at all possible allow the reaction to cool overnight before the next step. Cooler acid fumes less and makes for a more pleasant work environment.
- Cold acid holds less Silver Chloride in solution and will make your final product of a higher purity. To make this as efficient as possible, stop the tumbler, open the charging cover, and add about 2 kg of ice. This will help by causing the majority of Silver Chloride to come out of solution and allow you to catch it on the filter paper in the next step.
- Replace the charging hole port and tumble for about 20 minutes. It doesn't matter if all of the ice melts, it will remain on the filter paper if it hasn't melted completely.
- Stop the tumbler
- Clean the filter trolley and put a new paper on the plate and seal it with the tubing to prevent solution from going around the filter paper rather than through it.
- connect the discharge hose to the filter trolley to the precipitation tank
- Remove the cover from the discharge port and attach the ball valve. The valve needs to be directly over the filter trolley which should be positioned to receive the flow from the valve and pointing straight down. The valve is to slow or stop the flow from the tumbler if needed. (HINT, it is possible the flow will tear the filter paper, placing a small porcelain plate, a pie plate works perfectly, where the stream hits the paper will prevent this)
- Start the airflow to the filter trolley, the pump can run dry and it will develop suction under the plate.
- Allow all of the contents to drain onto the filter trolley. As the liquid drains it will fill the trolley. If it is filtering slowly, adjust the flow with the valve.
- Open the charging port and look inside to be sure everything has rinse out onto the filter.
- When the filter trolley has pulled all of the liquid through the perforated plate you will see all of the silver chlorides on top of the filter paper and any chunks of Silver Chloride encrusted Gold that may not have dissolved. Using a hose with a gentle spray, rinse the silver chlorides until they are white and the paper is not still stained green.
- The solution now has been transferred to the next step. Remove the filter paper to collect the chlorides and pull up the perforated plate to make sure the liquor under the plate has all rinsed on to the next step. If needed, turn on the trolley pump and spray water to clean out any residue which is liquid containing gold.
- Replace the plate on the filter trolley and add new filter paper to filter the liquid generated in the next step.
- Start the mixer on the tank (which Italimpianti calls a cementation tank) and slowly begin to add urea prills. Add small increments and allow the reaction to stop before adding more. (Urea is used here in keeping with the way it is done in Europe and Asia we can debate options later but this will work.)
- When the additions of urea no longer react, shut the mixer off and add a few prills of urea. If they float, you are done with the urea additions. Note, if the mixer is not shut they will not float so this test depends on the mixer having been shut off.
- You are now ready to add your precipitant. Most use sodium metabisulfite but if possible I prefer Sulfur dioxide gas. But these instructions are for powdered sodium metabisulfite.
- The mixer should be on now.
- It is entirely possible that free nitric acid still exists in solution. if this is the case, metabisulfite additions will be followed by red gas coming from the solution. This is because the metabisulfite did reduce the gold to metallic gold and the free nitric acid caused it to be re-dissolved. When the red cloud stops again add a small scoop of metabisulfite and wait for the reaction. When it stops, add another small scoop.
- Rule of thumb. Expect to add 1 gram of sodium metabisulfite for every gram of gold you expect to recover.
- After a few additions, take a drop of solution from the tank and check it with stannous chloride. A quick dark color change says you still have a ways to go. As you add more metabisulfite you will develop a feel for how long to wait between tests. When you get a negative test, all of the gold is dropped. allow it to continue mixing for a minute or two and test again. If negative, shut the mixer and prepare to filter the solution.
- Position the filter trolley under the cementation tank and direct the discharge hose to your waste holding tank.
- turn on the pump on the trolley and open the valve to drain the liquid from the cementation tank above it.
- I prefer to drain the tank without the mixer running, when all of the liquid is drained, open the top of the cementation tank and a lot of the gold will be on the bottom. The bottom is tapered so some of the gold is already on the paper. Using a flow of water from a hose, rinse the gold sponge through the bottom drain onto the filter below.
- Using the same rinse hose rinse the gold sponge in the filter and allow the filter to suck it dry.
- The gold sponge layer, if it thick enough, will crack apart telling you it is dry enough to handle.
- Clean the gold from the filter trolley and, depending on purity, either melt it as is or perform some chemical rinses to improve the purity.