Making Stannous Chloride (SnCl2) from "scratch"

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My thoughts on making stannous chloride, would be to saturate the HCl.

Whatever proportions of acid and water you use, the most reliable use of it comes by always making it the same. That way, the extent of darkness will give you an idea of how the Au solution you're testing, compared to others you have done, rather than representing the strength of your stannous testing solution.
i will have to see who sells Hydrogen chloride unless it has to be created also , via dehydrating hydrochloric acid with either sulfuric acid or anhydrous calcium chloride. OR HCl can be generated via a reaction of sulfuric acid with sodium chloride
Readily around my area is Mauriac acid does any one know it this has any uses
Thanks , I am trying to figure things , I am not a chem wiz. but i feel i have ability to under stand that is just as good. I assume the need to use Stannous Chloride is
1) it's an acid with solder in it causing it to react still voraciously with plastic, but genital ( I meant gentle) with the metals on the boards, since SnC12 liquid is loaded with solder molecules. thus no more ability to consume the metals.
2) SnC12 liquid is loaded with solder molecules causing the metals to cling in the form of a muck
Stannous Chloride is used to test solutions for precious metal content. I personally have not run across a circuit board that had genitals but there are new things coming out all the time. Keep reading and you will figure it out. A good place to start is the Guided Tour, there is a link to it in my signiture line.
jimmydolittle said:
O. K., I've been looking but not finding the answer. What is this poor mans aqua regia, I see mentioned from time to time?

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