Making Stannous

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From google:

1 pennyweight = 1.55 grams

1 fluid ounce = 29.57 mL = 29.57 cc = 29.57 cubic centimeters

From wiki:

Wiki Drop

I prefer to make stannous by the recipie in the link below my signature.

lazersteve said:
From google:

1 pennyweight = 1.55 grams

1 fluid ounce = 29.57 mL = 29.57 cc = 29.57 cubic centimeters

From wiki:

Wiki Drop

I prefer to make stannous by the recipie in the link below my signature.



but i still hav an issue. i mixed the hcl and stanous salt and heated them while mixing. the solution still turns the yellow ar solution on the q-tip head back to clear. what does this mean?
Most likely it means no gold.

Do you have a standard gold solutions prepared to confirm the stannous is woring properly?

Watch my website video Making HCl-Cl at Home in the Gold Section for details on quickly making a standard gold solution and stannous chloride testing.

Moo said:
Yes am in Australia, land of little tin :)
trying my best to avoid ordering from america if I can as id rather not have to wait 2 weeks for such a simple thing. Thanks for the link appreciated,
where abouts in australia are you mate ? . im in perth wa and i get my tin granuals from sigma chemicals and pool supplies
goldenye said:
what is the ratio for making aqueous stannous chloride?

i have stannous salts and i would like to test my ar sollution for gold. the solution contains nitric acid, muriatic, urea, smb,h2o, maybe compounds of gold silver copper zink tin and lead. its a mix of various ar test batches. some had high karat gold, some only had plated and filled gold jewelery. i got this b4 reading hoke. hoke is unclear on the mixture quantities of the stannous sest solution.

my first batch of test solyution has 3.5 grams of stanous salt, 7 ml of hcl (34%) and 15 ml of tap water but it showed no color change on my ar solution.

help? i need the foumula and/or mixing ratios for preparing stannous chloride testing solution from salt.
you said you have read hokes book ?
the formular for making stannous testing liquid is in hokes book
goldenye said:
lazersteve said:
Hoke gives all the details on making stannous chloride.


"Take about a pennyweight of the
stannous chloride crystals (also called tin salts) in the dropping
bottle, add a pennyweight or less of tin metal, and fill the bottle
three-fourths full of water. Ordinary tap water will do. Now add
a little hydrochloric acid, about 25 or 30 drops to a 30 cc. bottle."

i dont know what a pennyweight is exactly. id estimate 1-10 grams but its not clear nor safe when you are forced to guess at mixtures.

also i dont have a dropper to count 25 drops and i dont know how many mL is in a 30cc bottle. i need to know exact measurements and or ratios to make stannous chloride aqueous solution to test gold. the formula i tried making from hokes explanitionation is not working. i touch a q-tip to my yellow ar solution the qtip turns yellow. than i put a drop of the solution made absed off of hokes sugestions. and it turned the qtip back to white...

what does it mean?
i was told by a member on here that a pennywieght is 1.55 grams
i use a 100ml bottle that used to contain cough syrup . ive cleaned it well . i tried using 25 to 30 drops as it says in hokes book but i found that didnt work.
so what i do is i put 20 mls of hcl int he bottle, then 1.5gms of stannous christals and 1.5 gms of tin granuals . then shake and when disolved i had about 50mls of water

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