Method for producing pure silver metal

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goldsilverpro said:
Actually, the old, so-called, 7# jugs are obsolete, I think. That's what they called them when they held 5 pints (5/8 of a gallon - actually .625 gallons or about 7.4#). Nowadays, the reagent grade jugs hold 2.5 liters, or .66 gallons (7.8#). That's a little better ($63/gal plus hazmat shipping, which isn't cheap), but not good enough to warrant buying reagent grade from abprospecting, or anywhere else.

This is exactly what they are. 2.5L. Just figured I would post a better alternative if one is willing to spend so much and or has no other alternatives.

I no longer buy reagent grade nitric though. Or any grade for that matter. If I need reagent strength for say silver, I distill with lab glass and make my own. As far as for everything else... I have actually devolved. I no longer even make "poor man's" nitric like seen in my youtube videos. I now use "the poorest man's" nitric (you heard it hear first). I simply calculate the amount of nitrate, water and H2SO4 needed and mix. I place the nitrate in the vessel, add water and then put the scrap on the bed of nitrate. I then add incremented amounts of H2SO4. Believe it or not this works much better than adding nitric as a liquid. For me at least.
Search killing two birds one rock. A post on how I make nitric acid, dissolve copper from gold, seperate gold from the copper sulfate, all useable products.
but my distilling rig is still the gallon pickle jar homade teflon lid and hose in a sand bath pot, still have my fancy lab glass distilling rig never used in the box I bought it in, maybe this summer I will try it out?
Good day everyone,

Im Kesavan and Im new here. Im kindly requesting some informations about how to recover silver from mylars(films) inside the keyboard.I hope to get a simplest but efficient method.Help me guyz...
kesavan said:
Good day everyone,
Im Kesavan and Im new here. Im kindly requesting some informations about how to recover silver from mylars(films) inside the keyboard.I hope to get a simplest but efficient method.Help me guyz...

Its all here already if you try the search box.

tq works...i already got the silver have to convert it to silver...
What are the benefit of converting the AgCl to oxide. Can you melt either in an ingot?

I'm probably not understanding something.

Can the AgCl only be cemented to Cu? And not melted.
What is the benefit of converting the AgCl to oxide? Can you melt either in an ingot?
Silver oxide can be melted (with carbon or soda ash), but it is better to convert silver chloride to metallic silver before melting, there are several methods to convert it to silver (NaOH and dextrose corn syrup),(dilute H2SO4 and zinc or aluminum or iron), (HCl and zinc or iron).

Q?: I'm probably not understanding something.
A: just need to spend some time reading these things take time to learn.

Q?: Can the AgCl only be cemented to Cu? And not melted.
A: No AgCl is a salt of silver, it is insoluble. In AgNO3 the silver is in solution the copper gives one of its electron’s to the silver the copper atom then joins with the nitrate in solution as copper nitrate (blue liquid)the silver cements (precipitates from solution as gray powder that looks like cement but is actually silver metal).
butcher said:
What is the benefit of converting the AgCl to oxide? Can you melt either in an ingot?
Silver oxide can be melted (with carbon or soda ash), but it is better to convert silver chloride to metallic silver before melting, there are several methods to convert it to silver (NaOH and dextrose corn syrup),(dilute H2SO4 and zinc or aluminum or iron), (HCl and zinc or iron)

Q?: I'm probably not understanding something.
A: just need to spend some time reading these things take time to learn.

Q?: Can the AgCl only be cemented to Cu? And not melted.
A: No AgCl is a salt of silver, it is insoluble. In AgNO3 the silver is in solution the copper gives one of its electron’s to the silver the copper atom then joins with the nitrate in solution as copper nitrate (blue liquid)the silver cements (precipitates from solution as gray powder that looks like cement but is actually silver metal).

Thank you so much friend!
Yeah man I've been studying about 4-8hrs a day.
If you have pure silver nitrate solution it will be clear and look like water (usually ours is green or blue from some copper in solution), adding a large piece of clean copper metal buss bar to the clear silver nitrate solution, this solution surrounding the copper metal will start to leave whitish gray fluffy material on the copper bar (silver metal) it will fall off (or can be shaken off) and will fall to the bottom of your vessel with whitish/grayish cement looking powder fluffy with some darker specks, as the silver is removed from solution the copper will replace the silver in solution, changing this clear silver solution to blue copper nitrate solution.

Depending on purity of the silver dissolved in your solution, you may just see the green solution of silver/ copper nitrate, turn into light blue copper nitrate solution,

(Other metals like base metals or palladium can also change the color of these reactions somewhat).