Mixed metal bars

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Hello fellow gold miners!
I too am trying to process mixed metal bars refined from E-Scrap.
I've got a good bit of it melted down into ingots and have tryed both AR and the Shor Simplicity methods without much luck.
It seems like more trouble than what it's worth and not too cost effective. At least with the AR method I was able to get a small BB. The Simplicity tends to loose amperage with mixed metals and flakes really bad due to (what I'm told) high melting heat generally from torch melting, but I use a Kerr furnace. The Simplicity tends to like metals with a higher gold content.
I have two questions regarding some of the conversation going here.
First: What is "Cornflaking"?
Second: What is a "Reverberation Furnace", and how dows it oxidize & remove the base metals as slag?
Thank you,
Cornflaking: You melt the metal and pour it into a SS vessel with water and when the meatl hit the water it makes corn flakes. Your metal will digest faster if in small pieces rather than one large piece.
A reverberatory furnace is a furnace used to contact the molten metal with atmospheric oxygen and cause the base metals to oxidize. A combination of specialty fluxes and exposure to the air can remove the majority of the base metals but the melt is not just melt and pour as a typical melt is, the molten metal is exposed to a direct flame for as long as a few hours to effect the oxidation of the base metals.

If the material is high in silver this method will increase the silver percentage and can cause the aqua regia to be ineffective.

I have used this type of furnace to remove the majority of copper from sterling silver to make it more silver cell friendly, it can be used for karat gold but only if the resultant alloy is atomized before digestion, otherwise the silver is an issue as it coats the undigested metal.

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