mixture of rh powder+insoluble iron oxide powder

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arthur kierski

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2008
são paulo---brazil
i have a mixture of rh +an iron oxide powder which is very difficult to dissolve in acids---i need help to reduce this iron oxide to iron, in order to dissolve this iron in hcl or h2so4 and stays with the rh powder behind-------
in other words:how to dissolve iron oxide powderto iron??
thanks for any help or sugestion
How about adding a bit of platinum?

from what I understand (reading Hokes), when even a bit of platinum is in nitric acid Iron will readily dissolve in nitric acid, where normally the nitric will not attack Iron.

Depending on how much powder you have you may be able to use a furnace and a source of carbon to reduce the iron oxides to iron then dissolve out the iron with your choice of acids.

Steve,it is not much powder but the other half is rhodium------i have a furnace and will do this---
could i use some flour as a source of carbon?
thanks again as always