Muriatic Acid at Home Depot

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2012
I just buught a gallon there that was marked $10.98 / gallon back in the yard and garden dept. When I got the the checkout it only rung up as $5.98 ????
is it 20deg be(32%)
if it is, it is a very nice deal
is it in special or something like that, i will buy a few gallon if it is
ericrm said:
is it 20deg be(32%)
if it is, it is a very nice deal
is it in special or something like that, i will buy a few gallon if it is

It was 31.45% HCL. Called "Smart Muriatic".

By the way, while at HD and in the garden center, check all the other chemicals they have there. They had a large jug of solid Sodium Nitrate for about $9, I think. This was where they displayed pool chemicals. Check it all out.

What % sulfuric acid is recommend when needed in pm refining? I'm guessing that what they have at auto parts stores is to weak??

Any muriatic marked "smart" or "green" or "safe", etc. probably contains inhibitors, chemicals that inhibit the attack on metals. What you want in the ingredients list is nothing but hydrochloric acid.

For the electrolytic sulfuric stripper. you need about 94% or better. About the only common chemical product that is that high are certain brands of drain cleaner. Here again, avoid inhibitors. Battery acid is about 35% sulfuric
It said it was 31.45% HCL and said nothing about inhibitors. The "Safe", "Safer", and "Green" do contain inhibitors. This one aparently does not.

mikeinkaty said:
It said it was 31.45% HCL and said nothing about inhibitors. The "Safe", "Safer", and "Green" do contain inhibitors. This one aparently does not.


Sometimes, the non-toxic ingredients aren't listed in the MSDS. Look at the label.
goldsilverpro said:
mikeinkaty said:
It said it was 31.45% HCL and said nothing about inhibitors. The "Safe", "Safer", and "Green" do contain inhibitors. This one aparently does not.


Sometimes, the non-toxic ingredients aren't listed in the MSDS. Look at the label.

That's where I first looked.

That is the brand name and the 10.98+tax is for the whole unopened 2 jug box.If I remember right thats what I paid for it last time . I'm going out to Home Depot tomorrow,so I'll make sure.

modtheworld44 said:
That is the brand name and the 10.98+tax is for the whole unopened 2 jug box.If I remember right thats what I paid for it last time . I'm going out to Home Depot tomorrow,so I'll make sure.
I believe you are correct. There were several single bottles setting on top of the stack of cardboard boxes. I did not notice that the boxes may have contained 2 plastic jugs. I jut grabbed one jug and went.
AndyWilliams, you are a lot closer than I was with my guess.

the MSDS say's specific gravity 1.835 (does not give temperature).
from this chart about 93.19% H2SO4, 6.81% water.
butcher said:
AndyWilliams, you are a lot closer than I was with my guess.

the MSDS say's specific gravity 1.835 (does not give temperature).
from this chart about 93.19% H2SO4, 6.81% water.

Be sure you don't get "Liqui-Fire". I contains no acid. Liquid-Fire contains h2so4 and 6% h2o.
Ok the muriatic acid I can get at home depot is made by kem tek it does not say % of acid but in ingredients list it says hydrogen chloride 14.5% and inert ingredients 85.5% is this the same as yours and will it work. Thank you for any help given
Not certain what you have there to be honest... sounds almost like a floor cleaner almost with a diluted acid base so I would avoid it personally.

The two bottles on the right are what you're looking for at Home Depot, the one on the left I believe was from Lowes. The Home Depot stuff comes in a 2 pack and can be found generally in the garden section outdoors... at least this has been my experience.

thank you for posting that picture they do not have that kind at the Home Depot here where I'm at I went toLeslie's swimming pool supply and they have 31.45 percent near attic acid there with no inhibitors $14.98 after tax for 2 gallonsthanks again and I hope this help somebody else out

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