Muriatic Acid - Is this the right stuff for AP

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2009
Hi guys,

I bought this yestersay, it was the only stuff I was able to find here in Montreal. I cannot tell if it is strong enough to do the AP to my 1.5 kg of fingers I have cut.

Help would be greatly appreciated.



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The 20 Ba acid is equal to 32% it's perfect for AP. The next ingredient in AP is 3% peroxide which can be found at just about any pharmacy or retail store.

Your other ingredient shown is bleach likely 2-10% and will work nicely for the HCl-Cl step to dissolve the foils after they have be separated from the base metals using the AP process.

Be sure to follow my videos closely when adding these ingredients to your reactions.

lazersteve - I have some silver solder and some 95-5 tin solder, which is better for making the stannous chloride?
Also, once I get the fingers back to the Auric Chloride stage, is there any means that can be done other than siphoning the liquid out of the container. I do not have the equipment to do this.
Charlena said:
steve..was wondering while on hcl 0.200 N = 32 %?


N is the chemical symbol for Normality. Wiki's definition for Normality is here:


As it relates to the question you stated the solution is 0.2N HCl which is equal to 0.2 Molarity (0.2 M) as there is a 1:1 relationship of H+ in HCl.

Molarity is simply put, moles per liter. Therefore you have a 0.2 moles per liter of HCl solution. 32% HCl is roughly 10 moles per liter. Your 0.2 N solution is 1/50 of this concentration or roughly 0.64 %. Your solution qualifies as 'very dilute' HCl.

32% HCl would be considered 10 N.

koebeef said:
Also, once I get the fingers back to the Auric Chloride stage, is there any means that can be done other than siphoning the liquid out of the container. I do not have the equipment to do this.

A siphon can be as simple as a short length of tubing or a large turkey baster or syringe.

If you can't get any of these items, just pour off the water without dumping any of the gold foils or flakes.

You could even boil off some of the water if you like.

On that note I am ready to try my first AP experiment.
I have 2.45 kg of gold fingers cleanly cut. Does anyone know what this should return approximately?
koebeef said:
On that note I am ready to try my first AP experiment.
I have 2.45 kg of gold fingers cleanly cut. Does anyone know what this should return approximately?

sounds like my size experiments :)
But I'm saving up the foils till I get a bunch before I beg someone else to do the firing :)

good luck!