Muriatic ONLY

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Dec 19, 2008
Hi Fellows :)

Earlier somebody pointed out it was possible to use muriatic acid and a bubbler only, so without any peroxide.
I have started a batch just to see what would happen and the liquid has gone yellow.
Now the question is what is it?
Is it gold or is it copper that is in the solution?



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I dont think a bubbler is required for using straight HCL. Its heat that assists and speeds up hcl reactions.
The bubbler is used for the AP process because the peroxcide is an oxidizer.
The yellow in your solution shouldnt be gold from my knowlege.

Tonite i just started a leech on a pound of various pins in a crockpot with straight hcl.

ps: is that container of yours sealed?
HI Jim

Thanks for your responce.

Yes the container is sealed but not totally, the cap is somewhat loose.
I shake it now and then and it has been standing for 3 days now.
Some of the gold plates seem to be eaten off the fingers and that's why i am wondering if there is any gold in the acid.

I will just wait and see what happens


Even if some gold was to be dissolved, it would not stay in solution. As long as you have base metal present, it will cement the gold, which will end up as small dark brown or black particles mixed with the pins.

Under normal conditions, HCl alone will not dissolve gold, however. What you are likely seeing is nothing more than a trace of copper, along with considerable zinc that has been dissolved.

If you are curious and would like to know if you are dissolving copper, remove a drop, add a drop of ammonium hydroxide. If you have copper, you'll see a brilliant blue reaction.

Hi Turbo,

The container that you're using in the photograph worries me. What kind of bottle is that ? It looks like an ordinary water bottle. I hope that it isn't. Just wouldn't want you to get hurt or have a spill. Just looking out for ya.

Pat G.
With a bit of peroxide and a bubbler you would be much further along if not done after 3 days. I have dissolved a whole plated pocket watch case in three days in AP. I didn't mind destroying it as it was falsely marked 14k.
Actually, I don't think I would even do a straight HCL wash with fingers. For me, each time I do it, the more copper left on the fingers, the faster the AP worked to remove the foils. Unless Im missing something :p