Goldsilverpro was a big fan of using cyanide for stripping gold from certain types of e-waste along with other sources of gold.Most metals from electronic wastes are CN-bonded by complex formation. Chlorine won't oxidize ferricyanide, cobalt will resist chlorine oxidation; nickel complex can be oxidized, but requires a much longer contact time. oxidation requires a minimum of 30 minutes of reaction, monitoring of pH and ORP levels, slow mixing, control of ammonia level, and correction of Cl consumption.
I'm certainly sure that wastes after DIY "destruction" will contain significant levels of CN-complexes with heavy metals.
I'm not processing IC chips, so your worries are unfounded.
Most recently 4metals made the suggestion of using cyanide.
This thread is before your time, 2017.
Goldsilverpro, Cyanide Stripper Process