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I tried contacting Twistie through PM but it's acting up. Says she doesn't exist as a user. I got the two samples today and will be testing tomorrow.

spaceships said:
Aww Goran send me some meteorites please. I'll cover the shipping! 8) 8)

With your forum name I though I would ask you for meteorites! :mrgreen:

To get it back on topic a bit... iron meteorites contains gold up to a couple of grams per ton and the gold content is used as one way to sort iron meteorites into various groups.

goldenchild said:
I tried contacting Twistie through PM but it's acting up. Says she doesn't exist as a user. I got the two samples today and will be testing tomorrow.


Thank you
Twistie said:
goldenchild said:
I tried contacting Twistie through PM but it's acting up. Says she doesn't exist as a user. I got the two samples today and will be testing tomorrow.


Thank you

LOL, i was waiting for that comment. skip the jokes & jump right to the results. i cant wait !!
Well... I have the results. I must say I am very disappointed for Twistie. Never before have I been so disappointed for the testing results of someone else's material. Below are pictures of the process.

Twistie sent me two samples one from each container labeling them for identification processes.

The first and easiest test I employed was the magnet test. I held a neodymium magnet to each bag and they were very attracted to the magnet. At this point I was fairly sure where it was going but to be scientific I pressed on.

The Kirkland sample (small beaker) weighed in at 2.4 grams and the Planters sample (large beaker) weighed in a 1.8 grams.


With a 50/50 HCL water solution the samples were digested on my pristine hotplate. This is at the very start of the digestion.
The Kirkland sample is left and Planters right.

I allowed the reaction continue for about 20 minutes before turning off the hotplate. Below is immediately after shutting off the hotplate.

After the solution had been allowed to cool and all sediment had settled.

Both samples left behind a whitish grey sediment at the bottom of the beakers. I'm not sure what exactly it could be and was hoping someone
might have an idea. I can say that it doesn't look like any sponge or chloride I've dealt with before. I will filter and combine the sediments today
and expose it to sunlight.


At this point I was about four nines certain that the samples were simply iron but to be thorough I employed the tried and true stannous test.
Both tests were negative for PMs.


So at this point it's about identifying the sediment and running tests. I'll wait for some theories and test suggestions from you guys.
negative for copper, i dont see any in the reaction
so i am sticking with my original guess........

sediment from waste treatment.

i didn't see any reason to have large containers of gold powder just sitting there if there was other scraps laying around that had little PM content.

sorry Twistie, i was wishing you the best & hoping you could get that new car !!!
I wanted to thank everyone on this forum who has helped me and hoped with me. It is refreshing, with all the bad news we hear, that so many were routing for and lending hand to a total stranger. No PM could inspire the human spirit as that did. This has been a wonderful ride and although I would have loved the pot o' gold, knowledge is priceless and that I have gained.

We are not quite ready to call this experience done yet.. so I have started a safety manual and my note book. I will read and most likely re read the info here and in Hoke's book. Then I will be back with a lots enthusiasm, a lot of questions and we will to process those plated parts. In the mean time there are a few other items to be addressed. I am going to read over the thread and work on understanding the right questions to ask.

With gratitude,
fantastic, you still may have a few extra dollars in the pins & parts, good to see that you will be "joining the team" 8)
necromancer said:
spaceships said:
Possibly a daft point but have you tested with a Geiger counter?

i think the bells would have went off at the postal station if it was radioactive.

Haha good point mate I hadn't thought of that!
Platdigger said:
I think the red powder could be an iron concentrate from Taconite.
The white powder residue in goldenchilds test most likely a carbonate.
Possibly calcium carbonate.
Any carbonate would have been obvious. Fine powdered and mixed with HCl would have released large amounts of CO2 gas. Calcium carbonate turns into calcium chloride (soluble) and gas.

Well, I did not see the reaction, but I must have assumed most if not all of the acid was or would have been used up in the reaction.
All I know is I tried more than once to neutralize an acid mix with lime (calcium carbonate) and had very little reaction and white powder unreacted on the bottom of the vessel.
That, and the fact that many taconites have carbon or chert in their make up.

Now calcium hydroxide on the other hand has a strong reaction with acid. Much like sodium hydroxide.
Twistie, I'll be the first lurker on this thread to speak up as to how many were likely watching from the sidelines, not saying anything but hoping for the best for you nonetheless. I think it's absolutely awesome that you took a bit of disappointing news in such stride, and that the bug has obviously made it's way into your mind to continue.
What is truly *unique* is the jugs were not put on eBay as unsearched/untested blah blah blabber pay dirt :) (just kidding, almost)

Now go find more!!
Photobacterium sent me sample of the ore consentrate he had posted about. I tested, multiple leaches. roasted the residue to white heat then crushed it to a fine powder and repeated the leaches. No gold! No stannus reaction, not even a dusting on the glass.
What was left was the same kide of white powder that would not disolve in anything, Hommie don't play with HF . Wonder what it is?

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