When the encrusting silver is tumbled in sodium thiosulfate, it produces a silver thiosulfate just like developing film does. That solution, which is not silver chloride in acid, is poured through a steel wool canister. The Silver is caught in the canister and when the canister is loaded it is melted with steel rebar in the melt to reduce the silver in the canister to metallic silver.
To add to &/or clarify what 4metals posted here when dealing with the silver chloride (residue) resulting in processing karat scrap
Some refiners will use ammonia (a base) to dissolve the silver chloride (such as an ammonia wash on their gold sponge) & then re-precipitate silver chloride from the ammonia wash with HCl
If you use sodium thiosulfate (also a base) to dissolve the silver chloride it results in a silver thiosulfate solution which is commonly used for the old black & white picture fixer solutions
From wiki ---
Silver halides, e.g.,
AgBr, typical components of photographic emulsions, dissolve upon treatment with aqueous thiosulfate.This application as a
photographic fixer was discovered by
John Herschel. It is used for both
film and
photographic paper processing; the sodium thiosulfate is known as a
photographic fixer, and is often referred to as 'hypo', from the original chemical name, hyposulphite of soda.
So - once you have the silver sulfate solution you can recover the silver from the solution with steel wool (a cementing process)
However - the steel wool does not reduce the silver in solution to actual silver like cementing silver with copper from a nitrate solution
Rather - the steel wool reduces the silver sul
fate (solution) to silver sul
fide (a solid silver compound of silver plus sulfur)
So - to reduce the silver sulfide you do so by smelting it with soda ash as your flux & iron (rebar or nails etc.) as the reducer in the smelt as the sulfur reacts with the iron in the smelt --- somewhat like carbon in a smelt will reduce metal
oxides (copper/silver) &/or like reducing silver chloride by tumbling it with iron & sulfuric acid (ion exchange reactions)
So the process is --- dissolve the silver chloride with sodium thiosulfate which gives you a silver sulfate solution
Then reduce the silver sulfate to silver sulfide by cementing with steel wool
Then reduce the silver sulfide by smelting with soda ash & iron (rebar or nails etc.)
This will give you a very near pure (if not pure) silver end product
As a word of warning --- during the smelting process the nails (if you use "large" spikes) &/or the rebar will start to drill holes in the bottom of the crucible (thereby shortening the crucible life) - you can reduce this effect (of drilling holes in bottom of crucible) by bending (curling) up the end of the rebar (or "large" spikes) that sit in the bottom of the crucible
You want the rebar &/or large spikes long enough that they stick out above the crucible so that you can pull them out before making your pour
The advantage to dissolving the silver chloride with sodium thiosulfate instead of ammonia is you don't have to deal with the VERY nasty ammonia fumes &/or the concern of creating explosive ammonic silver compounds
For what it is worth