Looking at the pictures you posted, it is hard to tell if it is Gold foil, leafing, or Gold faux ( imitation ) paint. Unfortunately from the pictures, it does look like a faux paint. I do hope it is real, as I know how much work you are into it for. Leaf and foil will have a smooth as glass appearance, as it will apply as smooth as the surface it is applied to. The pictures you posted looked like it had a variegated surface, indicating paint. Another hint is whether or not it came from say a lawyers, doctors, or other high end office, as leafing is about twice what bullion would cost per ounce, just for the material. Add labor costs, and it adds up fast. That is why usually just a name is applied, and not the field. Best of luck, keep us posted, as this is how we all learn. Thanks. As indicated by other poster ( can't remember their handle), try hitting a small sample lightly with a propane torch to incinerate, in well ventilated area of course. Gold will remain gold, paint will most likely turn black, and go up in flames. Remember you will have some sizing adhesive attached, so upon incineration, the foils may have some black stuck to it. If you have a furnace, or access to one, put in crucible with some borax, melt at 2000 F, pour into a mold, and hammer off the borax slag. Then refine or sell as is, depending on how interested you are in going all the way to a couple of 9's.