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New member
Feb 26, 2011
I would like to start recovering gold from computer pins,fingers and circut boards
I would also like to recover gold from old cell phones.

I need a way of getting the gold off of the fingers, pins, and circut boards without using chemicals if there is one.

If I melted the gold I get off the boards, pins and fingers in a kiln would the kiln burn off the other metals and would the gold be pure?

I would like to make ingots as an investment

I have an old commdore vic 20 computer and an old commdore 64 computer I would like to recycle for the gold, scrap metal and plastic. I also have an old hp tower to recycle. I really would like to start doing this.

would the dvd you sell be a good thing to get to get me started? I will also get the book everybody been talking about here in the forum.

thanks again for your help.

Download Hokes book from my signature line. In mean time read forum post by post and learn while collecting more material. Yes DVDs from Lasersteve are very good for learning too. Worth every cent.

You really need to collect much more material, your three computers do have gold inside - about that much as you pay for lunch in KFC. Some old computers do have value for collectors which far exceed scrap value (more even if they still work).
I have a question as well as i too am new to the re-fining family. with the acid refining system (Aqua Regia) am i able to mix computer parts with jewlery all in the same batch, ie:CPUs, pins, earrings,rings of various karats, neclaces, ect... and just go through the whole process all at one time? or does jewlery and eletronic parts need to be refined seperatly?
jpnuke33 said:
I have a question as well as i too am new to the re-fining family. with the acid refining system (Aqua Regia) am i able to mix computer parts with jewlery all in the same batch, ie:CPUs, pins, earrings,rings of various karats, neclaces, ect... and just go through the whole process all at one time? or does jewlery and eletronic parts need to be refined seperatly?

It all needs to be seperated into same kind lots and refined seperatly.

Your question shows you need to do some reading. You can use methods discussed here on the forum to collect the gold foils and concentrate the gold and at that point you can mix gold from all sources from which the base metals have been removed, and do a final refining to obtain a higher purity. You are a long way from there. Time for some reading.
ok then can gold filled jewlery and computer parts be refined together since they are both plated and/or filled?
That is not what I said. I said that once the foils are collected from computer parts, which is a separate process you will have to read about, and the gold filled has been leached of its base metals, then the relatively pure gold from both separate processes can be further purified together.

There is no way to do the refining thing in a quick throw it all together procedure. Take some time to read and understand the basic principles. We have members who came here knowing very little and are now advising new members. (And doing so very well) That didn't happen overnight, it took some work on their part. But it shows if you take the time and do the work, refining of gold is possible and attainable.

Start by downloading Hoke's book, that will give you the basics.
got it, seperate base metals from whatever gold it is that im refining and at that point i can join them together and precipitate them together in one batch. Correct?
jpnuke33 said:
got it, seperate base metals from whatever gold it is that im refining and at that point i can join them together and precipitate them together in one batch. Correct?

What 4metals is telling you is that when you have recovered your gold by whatever process you use you can mix the concentrated gold together and then refine it. Many e scrap sources have tin and lead amongst other elements that will give you severe problems unless you remove them and if your aim is high purity gold removing as much of the base metals first is a must for the amateur refiner.
Keep collecting your scrap and read all you can on the forum and you will understand why you really don't want to mix types of scrap for refining
jeneje said:
WOW..... :roll:
Why wow? You asked a question and didnt get the answer you were looking for(easy 123 answer). Then you kept asking basically the same thing wanting an easy 123 answer. So you're not really following the advice of your own signature are you? You really have to read Hoke and understand it well. Only then will we feel more motivated to answer your questions. We can easily tell the difference between someone who has tried to read Hoke/forum threads and someone wanting to be held by the hand. Again. Read Hoke and look for threads disscussing your questions. You'll be happy you did.
goldenchild said:
jeneje said:
WOW..... :roll:
Why wow? You asked a question and didnt get the answer you were looking for(easy 123 answer). Then you kept asking basically the same thing wanting an easy 123 answer. So you're not really following the advice of your own signature are you? You really have to read Hoke and understand it well. Only then will we feel more motivated to answer your questions. We can easily tell the difference between someone who has tried to read Hoke/forum threads and someone wanting to be held by the hand. Again. Read Hoke and look for threads disscussing your questions. You'll be happy you did.

Goldenchild, I did not ask the question I was only responding to the question. I have read hokes book and do continue to ref it. Yes I am new to refining and I have learned a lot and will continue to learn as i procede in my refining.
jeneje said:
goldenchild said:
jeneje said:
WOW..... :roll:
Why wow? You asked a question and didnt get the answer you were looking for(easy 123 answer). Then you kept asking basically the same thing wanting an easy 123 answer. So you're not really following the advice of your own signature are you? You really have to read Hoke and understand it well. Only then will we feel more motivated to answer your questions. We can easily tell the difference between someone who has tried to read Hoke/forum threads and someone wanting to be held by the hand. Again. Read Hoke and look for threads disscussing your questions. You'll be happy you did.

Goldenchild, I did not ask the question I was only responding to the question. I have read hokes book and do continue to ref it. Yes I am new to refining and I have learned a lot and will continue to learn as i procede in my refining.

1000 apologies jeneje! My comment was directed at who I thought was jpnuke33. I took a quick glance at your name and thought it was him. Guess I just saw the "j" and mixed you guys up. So now the "WOW" is warranted but at my total blunder :oops: I'm the fool here. No hard feelings.
Lol... No hard feeling goldenchild. My wow was in awl that two of best experts we have here told babe what they needed to do and they seem to not understand. If i may say this I went and had the hokes book printed out and as I read through it, I used a high-lighter to mark for ref. Just what I done, don't know if it will help.


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