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hey guys,i just finished reading the post (ar method for ceramic cpu`s) i now have about 97 ceramic and 80 plastic, i want to treat them separately, the fiber cpu`s with the card fingers but i`m not sure what would be the safest way, sugestions :?: i`d like to get it right :|
well from reading the existing posts i`ll prety much keep doing things in ap but i`ll separate the plastic and pins in two batches. i started working on the boards to take a break from my fume hood construction and cut off all the fingers and ended up with one pound of fingers :mrgreen:
nice. are you keeping everything you bought separate from what you already had to see if you made money on it? the ceramic cpu's can be done in AR safely, just break them in quarters as best you can place them in a glass container that will hold them all and still have room for the reaction. add hcl until you cover all the material. add nitric acid in small increments waiting for the reaction to stop after each addition to keep from having an excess of nitric in solution. watch carefully and when you cant see more gold decant to a fresh container then add fresh hcl to the material and complete the reaction by adding nitric in small increments untill theres no reaction. this will insure you have all the gold from inside the cpu's. take the first solution and add a small piece of gold and see if theres a reaction, if not dilute with equal amount of water and precipitate your gold. this solution will almost always contain other PM's so dont discard. you will have to neutralize the nitric in the second solution. i have never been able to evaporate nitric acid out of solution but maybe another member can lead you through it or you could add a button of gold till the reaction stops.
you got that right, i want to make sure its worthwhile to buy the boards because if i end up with the equivalent values of what it costs i'll just go buy bullions :lol: then i would only refine what i could get for free, but some folks pay for the stuff, i imagine they could add also. i was reading another post that you posted on about the sand looking stuff that traps your gold, i think i'm having that problem right now so i'll do as you say--
incinerate and put in fresh hcl. its amazing the amount of info on this site, its a real blessing.
i'm going to start a thread on my fume hood with pictures and my design, i think i have the vacumm with this design 8) but i'll find out

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