russford said:
".."Your green solution indicates copper, but you will probably have some silver in there worth recovering.."
I was referring to the sliver oxide sludge that was left when he disolved his batch - not the AR.
Having conveniently altered your original post, it is now a mute point, but you, indeed, did not say that, otherwise you wouldn't have talked about introducing salt to AR.
I will do as you say. I will become a lurker and read the back posts. I did not join this forum to engage the guru in debate.
Lurking isn't a bad idea for anyone that is new to a forum. It's a great way to conclude the level of information that is being dispensed by others, a measure, if you will, of where what you may know will fit with existing conversation. There are people on this forum that have dealt with the gold industry for more than 40 years. I am not one of them. They have brought to the table information that has been very revealing to the majority of readers----myself included. In some cases, processes that have been discussed are very foreign to others, and may not even make much sense until all of the equation is well studied. There's room for any and all procedures, as long as they are just that, procedures. The same does not apply to misinformation.
As you say I'm a novice! Let this be a lesson to other novice lurkers...... if you post anything here, you will be ridiculed instead of delt with in a kindly manner. I suppose that's not a bad idea on a forum such as this. At least that way you won't have a lot of misinformation or even alternative methods posted.
You just hit the nail right on the head.
Misinformation. That is precisely what I corrected, and it should have been.
I suppose there is truly only one acceptable way to skin a cat. :wink:
Let me make one thing clear. One person doing something wrong for an endless period of time won't make it right. Nor will 100 additional people doing the same thing, still wrong, make it right. I dedicate far too much of my time to this forum, time spent with no hopes of any kind of a return aside from the possibility of helping others that are struggling with a procedure. To have someone come along and post misinformation that serves no purpose aside from clouding the water for others isn't very welcome, certainly not by me. This isn't a matter of finding a different mouse trap, this is a matter of insisting that a mouse trap that isn't functional being used to catch mice.
One of the most difficult things I had to do when I started following this forum was to endure the work-arounds that have been so kindly provided by others. In most cases the processes are totally unrelated to those that I used in my more than 20 years of refining for the jewelry industry. Still, I persevered, and came to understand that these processes were not in contradiction with refining procedures, they were simply a different approach to the same problems I, and others, had been solving with conventionally prepared solutions, commercial acids. They are one of the best things to have been contributed to readers, for in most cases, certain acids are not available without considerable difficulty and expense.
Unlike the above, you stated that one should precipitate silver from an AR solution. Perhaps it was in error on your part, that you simply stated your position incorrectly. If that was the case, you'd have gained considerably more respect by correcting your position instead of insisting that your way works fine and you'll continue to use it. The water had already been muddied by your erroneous comment, and you insured that it remained so.
I have spent countless hours privately trying to help others on this board recover from bad experiences. To have anyone fuel the fires of misinformation and allow it to go unchallenged undoes all the hard work that so many of us have contributed to others----leaving me with the question-----why am I here? How much of my time am I willing to discard as trash------when all it takes is one misinformed person with an attitude to post misinformation------then refuse to accept the smallest correction, instead of taking it as a personal affront.
Feel free to contribute to this, or any thread. Also, be prepared to hear from people like me that have invested a considerable amount of their time trying to be helpful, when your contributions are in error.
We won't always agree-----and there are times when I must bite my tongue------not because the other person is wrong----but because the other person uses a procedure that I did not. A good example is the use of an electric furnace to cast ingots. I owned one, but quickly discovered it was far more inconvenient to use than a Hoke torch and a melting dish, even for casting large (10 ounce) gold ingots. That is my choice. It appears that several others find an electric furnace to be in their best interest. That's called personal choice-----there is no right or wrong in this case. I must respect the other person's contributions, for they are viable solutions to problems, whether I endorse them, or not. Adding salt to AR isn't one of them.