pH Will Not Go Up in Waste

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Active member
Jan 4, 2010
In the thread "Dealing With Waste" under
it says in step 2 to slowely raise the pH to 2,5 by adding soda ash aka. sodium carbinate but my pH isn't going past 0.5!! :cry: Can I use caustic soda aka lye to raise the pH or is there some chemical reaction soda ash causes that needs to take place that lye would not accomplish?


If you keep adding your base it will go up you just need patience in doing it.A little bit at a time. How much solution are you trying to neutralize?
I am trying to neutralize 1 gallon of waste and have already added 6 Tbl spoones of sodium carbonate. I have a total of over 25 gallons to process. I am trying a small batch as a test. When/if I am confident of the process, I'll move on to larger quanities.


It will eventually raise the pH, just be patient. It is difficult to say how much soda ash to use because different guys use different amounts of rinse water so it may be weak or concentrated. In any event 6 tablespoons is not a lot. Keep at it and it will rise, make sure you are agitating it because if solids (soda ash) are added too quickly they can lay on the bottom and not react completely. If you agitate and keep adding it will rise.

I like the fact that you are testing the procedure on one gallon instead of the whole batch. Caution is always good when you're unfamiliar with a process.
i had waste that took about 2 days worth of adding and stirring every so often...... if your are impatient it will drive you crazy.... just keep relaxed about it..... it will get there

you could always cut it to a half gallon then saturate a half gallon of water with sodium bicarbonate and slowly add might help. that has sped the process up for me a few times. but it could have just been real weak. all depends what your waste is in some cases this is not ideal. do whatever is safer in your situation...

i have seen faster ways but it can get scary when you try to accelerate the process....

i am going off of my own experience if i am wrong in any fashion, someone please correct me.

have you tested for PMs
I will generaly take a 1 gal pitcher and put 4-6 cups of soda ash in it and then fill with water a stir to disslove as much of the soda ash as possible and then slowly pour it in the 30 or 55 gal barrel I use. Reactions can get fun so start slow till you know what you are doing.

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