Pheeee..yeewww! That's a stinker!

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2007
Mtn. Ranch, CA. USA
My first time using the HCL and Bleach method. Boy, that works fast! I guess the fumes float downward, cuz I had turned to leave the area cuz the wind had died and I had bent over to pick something up and at the same time had taken a hit off of my cig, had my mouth wide open, and got a mouthful of that nasty stuff! YUK! Teach me to smoke around the work area. But I sure like how fast that method worked on my stuff! Tomorrow (today?) I'm going to drop out the gold with SS. This is when I get excited! Oh boy Oh boy, yeah!
Chlorine gas is heavier than air. Smoking is particularly bad around chemicals because of the added ingestion risk and that some things passing through a high temp zone such as a cigarette form particularly toxic compounds, not that the normal cigarette fumes are good for you.
Lets not forget about consequential hydrogen gas production either.
Boom! with ignition source.

Well, I know better now about the smoking.
Today I dropped my gold out of it and it worked just fine. So I guess thats the route for me to take for now on. It's so much cheaper and SO FAST! Now I want to try the HCL and peroxide for digesting my scrap first. This works as well as a Nitric digest, doesn't it? Maybe a little slower?

It's slower, but you'll have less vapors to deal with. It's also reusable so you'll really stretch your pennies! Just be sure you don't let it get too cold or the reaction will slow to a crawl.

I noticed, so far, that everything seems to work just fine w/o a hot plate. So you must mean keep the reaction going or put it on a hot plate to keep it going? Did that sentence make any since? Thanks, Yvonne
Has anyone ever had so much fun doing this that they stayed up all nite? :shock:
Sorry for the confusion, I meant that if the weather in your neck of the woods turns cold and the bucket is in a location that is not climate controlled, you may need to look into some form of artificial heat so the reaction doesn't stall. As long as the weather is in the 70's outside you should be good with no additional heating.

I used to make a comment like "the tide must be going out" whenever someone made a no-brainer. Was I sounding like a moron, irons? Please forgive me, but I do have my moments. :roll:
yvonbug said:
I used to make a comment like "the tide must be going out" whenever someone made a no-brainer. Was I sounding like a moron, irons? Please forgive me, but I do have my moments. :roll:

Not to worry. I've done a lot worse. 8)
You guys are nuts. Anyways, the weather has gone cold on me. It's 56 degrees out there. I've got some more to drop out of the HCL and Bleach stuff. So I'm going to put it on a hot plate to warm it up. Since I use Sodium Sulfite, can I just sprinkle it in like I do with AR? Or should I make a saturated solution with it? Usually I like to give it a real good stir, and then sprinkle the SS in, and watch the brown tornado form. I kinda get a kick out of that.
Never mind, I went and did it my way and it came out in larger particles that clumped together more. That was good because I'm not using very good filters. The smaller particles tend to get thru the filter and then I have to let it settle and decant. Hassle. Just sprinkling it in worked much better. But thanks for all the help, you guys, I do love this forum. Yvonne
PS I'm sorry if I come across as a dim-wit sometimes lately, I'm so distracted by packing and finding a place to live at the same time trying to make money so we CAN move, that I'm just going blotto! :cry:
I still like your name. ...We don't want to move at all. But we can't afford to live here anymore, no jobs for my hubby (or me). Right now it's a small fixed income and whatever I bring in with my gold. The place we live in is perfect for us, but we can't afford it. We would like to stay in MR if we could. Really. Are you from around here? I know this is off topic, but I think we've been off topic for a bit already... :lol:

I used to live in Arnold, in the early '70s. It's such a small population up there, that when things get a little lean, there are no jobs at all. I know just what you mean.

But other than that, it's really great up there.

I never did any prospecting while I was there, either. But I have been back up to the Mother Lode since, from Sonora to Coulterville, and did a little dredging. It's nice there, too.

I'm sure you will go onward to bigger and better things! 8)

There is nothing wrong with networking to find prosperity or self sufficiency. That is much of what this forum is about, albeit something that revolves around precious metals.

I have never withheld help from someone that has proven they are willing to help themselves.

If you truly wish to stay where you are and think refining could be the key to that, do not hesitate to ask on here for help in accomplishing your goals.

Many are in the same position in this economy. I do fear that too many on this forum pin their hopes on refining thinking they will make a fortune.

Then there are those that are more realistic without thinking they will get rich but hang on too long thinking they will make a living with electronic scrap on a small scale.

As a supplemental income it may make sense depending on your raw material costs (I myself do not accept electronic scrap unless it is free, even then it may set for months while I process more profitable materials).

In short, I wish you the best in your endeavors and think this is a more than appropriate topic. Many here are just trying to figure out how to get by. It seems that you are a realist, but the question not asked is always the one not answered.

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