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Chemical plated gold in iron wires

Gold Refining Forum

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Nickvc,a rotating barrel is an excellent idea--at the moment i am trying various ways to recuperate the gold from the wires--when i reach a decision, i will tell to the members of the forum--Specially to you, Jon and 4metals-by the way,4metals formulation worked very well---
I have 2 tons of iron wires plated with gold(strong Plating )--I want to recuperate these gold and need help of ways to recuperate this gold--arthur kierski--member since 2008--Any ideas are welcome
Put the gold-plated iron in Anode bags then Electroplate the Gold onto a gold starter plate. I use a non-magnetic stainless steel cathode with edges covered with silicon so that I can Peal the gold plate off. Iron does not electroplate
Put the gold-plated iron in Anode bags then Electroplate the Gold onto a gold starter plate. I use a non-magnetic stainless steel cathode with edges covered with silicon so that I can Peal the gold plate off. Iron does not electroplate
More information please. This sounds very interesting.
Nickvc,a rotating barrel is an excellent idea--at the moment i am trying various ways to recuperate the gold from the wires--when i reach a decision, i will tell to the members of the forum--Specially to you, Jon and 4metals-by the way,4metals formulation worked very well---
Mrs Arthur hi Diego from Limeira sp i am 150 km for you…. Post in correo 2 kilo grams , i can in my laboratory tests
That is a great question. I suggest Looking up Makeup Gold electrolytes on Google or YouTube. Have fun!
4metals has been running refineries and plating shops professionally, so he probably have more formulations in his notebook than you can find on Google.

So I guess it was a rhetorical question to you.
Recently Kurt recovered some gold from cyanide plating salts, he got most of the gold by conventional cementation but he had a lot of solution to clean up with copper powder to get it all. I'm stumbling to find the thread, I'll keep looking.

Actually I did not use conventional cementation (zinc) to recover the gold from those cyanide plating salts but instead choose to go with electrowinning - I only used cementation to recover the last of the gold ions not recovered in the electrowinning cell

I choose electrowinning (over cementation) because it resulted in only about 1/3 of CN waste to clean up for safe disposal then if I had gone with cementation to recover the gold

I received 35 bottles of the plating CN salts with each bottle (according to the label) containing 1 ozt gold

However - two of the bottles were only (plus/minus) 1/2 full --- so actual "estimated" (plus/minus) recovery of "about" 34 ozt :D;);)

Final results were ----------

From the electrowinning process = 31.52 ozt

I then used "shredded" aluminum foil (cementation) to recover the last of the gold ions in the electrolyte not recovered in the electrowinning process which recovered another 2.27 ozt bring the total from the salts received up to 33.79 ozt --- so came in right at the (plus/minus) expected recovery

Put the gold-plated iron in Anode bags then Electroplate the Gold onto a gold starter plate. I use a non-magnetic stainless steel cathode with edges covered with silicon so that I can Peal the gold plate off. Iron does not electroplate
Your response implied this is something you actually do but perhaps not, or you would tell us what you use.

My experience with electroplating was always for electronics so surface finish and uniform thickness was critical. If I were to try to plate the gold off the wire strictly as a recovery process, I would use potassium cyanide about 8 ounces per gallon. The issue you run into is there is no gold in solution when you start so i would make up the electrolyte and while circulating, let the cyanide dissolve some of the gold off the anodes before applying current. Heat would help this process as well. The salts Kurt discussed above actually were gold cyanide salts so when he began, there was gold in solution.
Your response implied this is something you actually do but perhaps not, or you would tell us what you use.

My experience with electroplating was always for electronics so surface finish and uniform thickness was critical. If I were to try to plate the gold off the wire strictly as a recovery process, I would use potassium cyanide about 8 ounces per gallon. The issue you run into is there is no gold in solution when you start so i would make up the electrolyte and while circulating, let the cyanide dissolve some of the gold off the anodes before applying current. Heat would help this process as well. The salts Kurt discussed above actually were gold cyanide salts so when he began, there was gold in solution.
Adding to this, when the concentration dropped below the practical threshold he cemented the rest.
Mrs Arthur hi Diego from Limeira sp i am 150 km for you…. Post in correo 2 kilo grams , i can in my laboratory tests
Diego,is a pleasure to see you in GRF.As you know,i am retired--and all my questoining in the forum is to help my son Milton which is continuing my work.If you have any questioning, it is better you get in contact with him.Honestly as i told you before ,i do not want to get contact with Brazillian refiners or hobbist.I all my life losed with them.If he wants to change my ideas,he is free to do it--Regards,yours Arthur Kierski.
Honestly as i told you before ,i do not want to get contact with Brazillian refiners or hobbist.I all my life losed with them.
You are a wise man, and from past threads it is easy to see you have benefited from your participation here and this forum has served you well. I hope you can enjoy your retirement and maybe convince your son to join this forum so we can continue the tradition of refiners helping refiners with him.
Diego,is a pleasure to see you in GRF.As you know,i am retired--and all my questoining in the forum is to help my son Milton which is continuing my work.If you have any questioning, it is better you get in contact with him.Honestly as i told you before ,i do not want to get contact with Brazillian refiners or hobbist.I all my life losed with them.If he wants to change my ideas,he is free to do it--Regards,yours Arthur Kierski.
I'm with 4metals, I hope you continue to participate in the forum. Over the years I have not only enjoyed your posts but often learned a lot from them as well. With your knowledge you not only help members, you know how to ask questions that spark some great conversations and replies.
אני חדש בפורום
ואין לי מושג מאיפה אתה משיג את כל הפיסות להכנת זהב. אם מישהו יכול לתת לי רעיונות אני אודה לו מאוד.
Translation of above post.

I am new to the forum
And I have no idea where you get all the bits to make gold. If anyone can give me some ideas I would greatly appreciate it

This is the question for the ages, most of us know how to refine it once you get it, but accumulating it is up to you.
אני חדש בפורום
ואין לי מושג מאיפה אתה משיג את כל הפיסות להכנת זהב. אם מישהו יכול לתת לי רעיונות אני אודה לו מאוד.
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