Still pretty fair pricingIf you were happy with their results you would do back flips over ours. No one in the states use them at all because they are the most dishonest company in the business. They pay you a percent of a percent. So if you terms with them are 97/97/92 you are getting 97/97/92 not of 100% of their terms at the actual refinery. If they paid you a true 97% that would leave them and the refinery with 0 profit.
Not saying that you cannot find better pricing here, but overwhelming majority of buyers pay you this (for under 500g metal), not even saying how they can screw you even more by these vague BS terms like "melting loss" on apparently metallic dore bars or "processing loss - 2%"... That made me laugh anytime I sold PMs, then I immediately left with my material. Sadly, last time, I realized that I am left with no more options aside these crooks. Like man, processing loss ? That´s on you I guess
One give better %age of spot, screw you on the content. Other pay less, usually shaft you the same