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Non-Chemical precipitant

Gold Refining Forum

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The acid-peroxide mix ratio I use does not attack the gold rapidly, this allows me to filter the gold off before it goes into solution. Then I use several acid washes followed by distilled water rinse, then the gold flakes go into the crucible, followed lastly by cupellation and molding.

When I use acid-peroxide the metals that I'm dissolving are the base metals, not the gold. I'll be posting on this process in the near future.


Thanks for the reply. I had a lot of gold flake left but I wasn't sure if there was anything left in solution after I filtered out the flakes.


If your electrolyte was pale yellow to clear yellow when you started (like in the tutorial video) then you still have gold in the electrolyte. If the color is more blue green then you have a mixture of other base metals (lead, nickel, copper, etc.) . If the color is definitely tinted black then let it settle overnight. Pour off the blue-green electrolyte gently so as not to pour out any of the black powder in the bottom of the dilution jug. When you get the volume down to the level of the black powder pour it thru a set of 5 or 6 coffee filters moistened with distilled water. Then follow my instruction in the Wash-n-Weigh slideshow.

Precious Metals:

In your article you asked about the amount of time to wait until you add the precipitant. I assume you are using Sodium Metabisulfite.

First I have found that once I add disolved urea in hot water, I wait about fifteen minutes before I add the sodium metabisulfite. This seems to work best for me. I have several questions about how much metal you are desolving and how much Nitic acid is left in your mix when all the metal is desolved. I found that once my batch is desolved, I read the PH with a ph meter and then add enough (Urea disolved in hot water) untill the ph reaches about .20 to .80., Then wait and add the sodium Metabi sulfite, and stir well. I also have a new method of seperating the gold chloride from the solution. I let the solution set for a few hours and run it through a ceterfuge for a couple of minutes. This seperates the gold very fast and gets just about all of it. If you are interested in trying this method, email me back and I shall be happy to share the info with you.

Good luck,

Hello CatFish and welcome !
Thanks for this info.
It would be great if you could post your centerfuge technique in the tutorial section.
Thanks !