Problem with precipitate gold

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May 8, 2009
Hi I am a newbie of refining. I started to refine a gold and I use 1:3 HNO3 and HCL. After dissolve a gold. I filter the silver chloride and use urea to get rid of the nitric and I put the water in the ratio of 1:4 to gold chloride and put SMB. the gold is precipitated but there is some gold does not sink to the bottom. After I filter and clean with the hot water. the gold is look like mud which is difficult to clean and wash. It look likes gold is not sink to the bottom. what wrong I have done? Please suggest me. The gold that I refine is 500 grams
500 grams?! And you are having problems? Have you had experience before with processing?
If you have previous experience,then I would suggest redisolving the powder and reprecipitating it.If executed properly the resultant powder will be more pure and should not be so fine.
The other idea would be to siphon off the liquid with the fine suspended powder,and let it sit for several days,after it has settled,decant the clear solution off,and wash the dropped powder.
I second that mic.

i belive that he probably started with plated or filled scrap that weight 500g, no sane person will fool around with dozen ounces of gold without knowing what they are doing... i hope so at least...

if after precipitation there is a suspention, that is caused by dirty gold precipitation, let it sit for full 24 hours like mic said, siphon the solution, add HCL and let it sit for the day, this will eliminate the suspention problem and you can go on to the next washes.
Thank you for your suggestion. Actually, I have done refining many time in my country and the gold that I refine is about 93%. I never see this before. I will use your method to do and let you know the result. However, I like to know what the dirty gold means.
nattawat said:
I like to know what the dirty gold means.
This can occur several different ways,the most common is when your solution has not been thoroughly filtered prior to precipitation.This is usually the result of impatience,and I myself am guilty of it as well.Proper roasting or incinerating prior to digestion will help in this problem.
There are other ways to get "dirty" gold,but that the most common.I proper filtering using the plug technique(thank you steve) will combat that problem.
Since you have already precipitated,I will agree with steve on the heating method.Heat it just below a boil,and stir it slowly to agitate the material on the bottom.This will cause the fine dust in suspension to adhere to the larger powder and fall out of suspension with it.
i ment "dirty gold" by, copper that is mechanically dragged out of solution with the gold that is beeing precipitated.

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