Do you know what type(s) of cpus are in the barrel?
There are several different processes for the various types of cpus.
The link given above is not a valid process for all types of cpus.
E-Scrap should be sorted and processed according to type for best yields and for accountability of yield data for future purchases and sales.
Some of the various broad types of scrap 'cpus' are:
Ceramic 486, 386, 286, 186, etc.
Ceramic Pentium
Ceramic AMD
Ceramic AMD with Al heat spreader
Ceramic Top & Bottom Gold
Ceramic Legless
Fiber Black
Fiber Green
Fiber Legless
Ceramic DIP Side Brazed
White Ceramic (DIP, Quad, CPU)
Plastic Quad & DIP
Plastic/Epoxy BGA
and many more...