As long as the Gold is dissolved just use one of the usual precipitants.Bc I was was wondering if I could just skip the whole pre-process my material thing, save time and money on acids, and just dissolve it all at once and use Soah to precipitate out the iron, which I found out that I can, and I was wondering what my ph limits were by doing this... I work with Gold (III) oxide and iron, so the gold dissolves in hcl alone without an oxidizer. So no matter what I do, if I try cleaning material with pre-acid treatment, gold will still go into solution... which really complicates things for me... And because of the high iron content, the gold has hard time falling out. I'd first have to roast the material, converting back into metallic gold, and THEN pretreat it with acid to remove base metals. But anyways this response is getting way too long. Gotta roll.
It won't touch the Iron.
Make sure the pH is no higher than 2 and then add SodiumMetaBisulfite (SMB) or Ferrous Sulfate.
The Gold should drop straight out with the Iron still in solution.