It is the leaching process I cannot get my head around. Unless you can get a 100% leach that is verifiable, then 100 % recovery of the leach from the powder, some, maybe a lot of A/u may be left behind.
Arthur discovered his process was leaving a lot behind. $20 grand worth on the volume of material he had processed. I don't know if he has figured out yet if the leach was fail or the leach recovery from the powder was fail.
If you have a good leach but cannot recover all the metals bearing liquor, you have fail. Obversly if you get good liquid recovery but a weak or incomplete
The only thing that would help is a testing regimen to validate each step of the process before moving on to the next step.
I have much material of the right sort to process following the leach system but I have not figured out how to qualify each step properly with the resources available to me. The biggest road block for me has always been how to "squeeze the powder dry" of metals bearing leach. To my mind if it is still wet it still contains values. There are too many minor details in the process that I do not have an answer to yet to proceed with the material.
I am of the opinion that those of us who have cracked the mystery are playing their cards close to their chest. (Rightly so)
Prices these materials go for can not all be blue sky, someone ,somewhere has solved the puzzle.
To add to the dilemma there will be variations in the same type of ceramics as well as variations in the various types of ceramics and variations in those sub groups. It would take a lot of processing of 1 type just to quantify the variations in a particular type, let alone for each other type and so on.
Arthur did have success with a SSN leach to recover considerable value from previously processed material. All his waste tested barren before the SSN leach. Although the likelihood that his material IS now barren, how can he (WE) be sure.
I guess you could have an assay of each lot, properly sampled, then keep hammering at the material with processes and chemicals until you reach the assay expectations. I guess that would get you close to full recovery, At least you would know what to expect and keep at it till you got it all.
There are a few mysteries to solve here and I am sure the answers are all to be found right here on the board.
I plan on working this out in the new year. 8) Just a few thoughts. If I get any answers I will share