process for thiourea and thiosulphate leaching

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I appreciate your nice manners,but I am just a guy trying to
recover some gold,just like you are. Just call me sawmill or
Greg. I will send an E-mail with some details that may help.

Now that I understand what you are doing,I believe that I
can help.
Do keep in mind, the common theme on the forum is sharing knowledge. Unless information is considered proprietary, it should be discussed openly on the forum. If you don't feel you can do that, are you really being fair being here? Taking, with no prospects of giving? I take a very dim view of such people. Please assure me that is not the case.

Hmmm..3 years old topic...and nothing new?Im so :cry: :cry: :cry:
Only sodium thiosulphate with time and ph?
I think, i will buy thiosulphate and go to trying :)
Hi Y’all,

Very interesting info on Theo leaching. Thanks to all :p . I have access to several hundred lbs.of broken china and glass per week, all with 24-22k gold trim/plating. I have been using HCL-Cl to remove the gold then dropping it with SMB. But with this method I end up with a lot of HCL, which I reuse/recycle in a variety of ways. I have been looking for a more environmentally friendly and less toxic leach and I would like to try this. Because of what I am using as my “ore”, I have no issues with iron, copper or other contaminants from e-scrap. Just one problem at this point: What do I use as a precipitant and how?


I have only done small experiments with thiosulfate myself. I was able to strip gold plating from pins but had a hard time getting the gold back from solution. I believe that I eventually got some gold back but it was in the form of gold sulfide. It precipitated as a dark brown powder that turned black when it was heated.
i learned a lot from this forum...I am currently using cyanide for carbon in pulp,,and cyanide leaching....i want to learn how to use thiosulfate..i have research that ther using ammonia and thiosulfate,,Now i dont know what is the ratio of this chemicals..and how to recover the gold,,do i have to use zinc like in merril-crowe process?

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