processing motherboards, is this the way to go?

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Thank you for your overwhelming responses to my question.In such company I am humbled indeed.Your pertinent observations, and pointed questions, have made me realize that I am not yet ready to carry this experiment to fruition.

It is my intention to apply the proffered advice pertaining to pre- smelting preparation, and for this I will need to return to the drawing board.

Kurt, may I compliment you on your post. If that was just the beginning, I have some serious reading and research to do, just to sit at the same campfire as you.

Jon, It seems the pyrolysis setup needs some attention too, as mine does not function as well as Deano's, (Who's setup I shamelessly copied), regarding the caps and resistors, I was hoping to be able to remove these non pm bearing items by "fluxing" them out, rather than pre sorting. Seems there 'aint no such thing as a free lunch!

Pantherlikher, fortunately, or unfortunately,(I am not certain which), I do not have OCD, I do however, have AC/DC, which is the same as OCD, the only difference being, that it "rocks" :lol:

Thanks once again to all you contributing Gentlemen, for sharing your hard won knowledge.

A very interesting and detailed link talking about pyrolysis and recovery of diesel from waste plastics. This was given by Alexx, who also replicated and successfully pyro the boards and get diesel and this is smoke free.


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