Like Dave I have been following this with interest - so if I understand right concentrates from hole #1 you are going to process?
Yes, since the volume is small I believe it can be processed in house using chemicals.
then sell the concentrate in port 2 to copper refiner
Is that being done as an out right sale with a per pound price (like selling a ton of say brown boards) & if so what is price per pound?
As far as I know, there are a copper mine that produces copper concentrates using flotation, and they sell their concentrates to copper refinery based on gold, silver and copper values in concentrate, so I was thinking to propose similar action to the refinery, and see what they respond.
Due to its amountnof tin solders in discharged port 2, prior to smelting it, somehow I need to elimiate tin lead and zinc from it.
Consult with a company called electrometal, that designs the electrolysis cells for Xtrasa mining, they might be able to set up small scale system, that can dissolve, extract copper and collect slimes using electrolysis.
and hole 3 which accounts for a large volume to oversea sweep refineries.
This I assume would be done by getting processed where in you pay a processing fee & then get paid out a percentage on the metals?
If so what would the processing fees be & what metals do you get paid out on & what percentage do you get paid?
This is also another unknown for me, there are a lot of sweep refiners around the globe, and there are companies that process low grade gold tailings, so having 1 toz of gold per ton, plus other precious metals and copper, maybe heap leaching? Or tank cyanide leaching?
Again there is a gold mine in close proximity in Saudi Arabia, now that I have the analysis for tailing I need to send them a letter and find out how we can agree.
I ask because I think hole #3 is going to cost you more money just in the processing fees then the value in it (in other words you are going to get a bill from the company not a check)& there will be other cost besides the processing fee like drying, packaging, labor to do that, & shipping
Hole #2 (if its being processed rather then sold out right) is more then likely going to be the same (cost more then the value) lucky to brake even - or at best "
small" profit - that may or may not cover cost to get it to the smelter (drying, packaging, labor to do that, & shipping)
My point is that if hole #3 &/or hole #2 cost you money to send out & have processed - that cost will need to be taken out of hole #1 thereby reducing the actual profit of hole #1
So you may be better off "selling" hole #3 & hole #2 (combined) out right if you can find a buyer that will pay out right based on low grade brown board price
I mention this because when I talked with 3 different smelters I was told that in order to get paid out on gold - they had to run 6 - 6.5 ozt Au/ton (depending on company) & holes #3 & #2 don't ad up to that much --- also you had to have 5 - 10 ton (depending on company) to be processed
If I can get the gold from discharged concentrate from hole #1, and sell it I can purchase same volume of boards, and any silver, palladium, tin, lead, and tantalum or copper that can be recovered will be added value. I personally think there is a way of doing this, since we get rid of most of fiberglass and plastics on shaker table, then based on the assay result, there has to be optimum methods of recovery the most of metals.
I have recovered tin solders from board (telecomm boards post), cyanide leaching the plated gold before grindimg them, would actually recover some of the gold that would end up in hole 2,
Or recover gold chemically from hole 1 concentrate, collect and smelt hole 2 materials until they reach a large volume, then sell that base on assay, meanwhile gold recovery from hole 1 pays for next load of boards.
This is just a start, and I am trying to take next steps.