recycled rock:need help finding a process

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recycled rock

New member
Feb 20, 2011
that will provide me with a 99.5 + end product suitable for molding into small bars or coin blanks.
my material is provided to me by mother nature in a igneous matrix that was shattered through thermo shock, random samples were (about 2 kilos) taken to a essayer, wherein he informed me that I did have some real "Gold" and assuming that sample was a true random sample the content could be up words of 6 to 8 oz. per ton. I am not chemist, metallurgist or even a prospector, this find was purely an accidental happening. The chemical portion of this process should be as non-toxic as modern technology can provide, I am 69 years old and would prefer that my life would not be shortened by a lethal concoction of my own doing. Thank You who ever you are in advance for pointing me in the right direction.
start with Hokes book, C.W Ammens is also very good for working with ore, the forum is loaded with all the information you will need. to refine your material will take a lot of study on your part, it is not just a simple process, but can be many differeent processes, these can vary widely depending on type of ore or what state the gold is in to begin with.
Thanks '' BUTCHER '' for your first reply and for giving me my first nudge in the right direction, I have already downloaded "Hoke's" book and will begin reed it until my head begins to spin or I black from information overload.
Thanks from the Rock
It seems you can have more than a good living and take care for
security also by doing 100kgs per day. For that you need one item -
a good crusher (grinder) that turns rock into sand. The rest is panning.
Good luck!

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