red ap

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Dec 13, 2014
For my first attempt at doing hcl and peroxide on trimmed gold fingers. I added 3 liters of hcl 30% and 200ml of hydrogen peroxide 3% to about 550 grams of trimmed gold fingers. As soon as I added the peroxide to the hcl and fingers it went red and then I left it and a few hours later it is really dark maybe black. I searched around and found that a lot of the hcl in australia has mineral salts added to it to prevent it from fuming making it not work too well.

My question is should I leave it and see what happens?
if I do will it disovle my gold?

I think I have to try and find some uncontaminated hcl. And try again. Unless there is a way to recover it.

I remember reading somewhere a list of the ap process and the different colours. But I have been searching all afternoon and been unable to find it. If you know vould you please point me to it?
Take a small amount of the dark solution in a clean vessel and start adding a little HCl slowly. The color should lighten to some shade of green. Did you add an air supply in the form of an aquarium pump?
Well, let me ask the obvious -> are the gold foils coming loose off of the fingers?
If so, let it go for a while. The AP solution does normally get dark as the process goes on.
You should be OK. Remember, this batch of fingers may only yield 2.2 to 2.4 grams
of gold when all is said and done.
I wouldn't be overly concerned. The fact that the solution turned dark after a few hours tells me it's working. Give it some time and air (through a bubbler).
I would like to comment on the amount of acid you used. I think 3 litres is too much for 550g of fingers. You probably could have got the job done with 1 litre of Hcl and cut it 25% to 50% with water.
Would have saved you the cost of acid and reduced your waste in the end. No harm done though. It's good practice to try and use the minimum amount of acid to get the job done and that will come with experience.
Keep an eye on it and give it a stir every so often, you should start to see foils floating soon. That's a indication all is working well.
Just adding that peroxide and HCL will dissolve gold. Using the air bubbler from now on and any gold dissolved will drop out as powder as the AP works on other metals.

And yes, way too much of both to start but no problem, just store the fluid after letting powder settle. AP lasts a long time if lightly covered to allow "burping" of gasses as needed.

I bought the hcl from bunnings the brand name is bondall.

So I went and checked on the process this morning and it has steam coming off it. It was a cold night last night and the morning sun is warming it I geuss. So I decided I didnt want to be around all the vapors so I didnt take a sample in the jar. But I noticed little bubbles in the solution. I geuss that is a good sign right? However there are no foils floating around yet it has only been 14 hours.

I do not have a air bubbler as I could not figure out how to get the thing away from my house and still provide power to it safely. So I just put extra peroxide in.

The reason I had to use so much hcl was because I had a design floor with the bucket as I put one inside anouther with holes drilled in it like i saw on one of lasersteves videos i think. I did not realise untill I was pouring the acid in.

I hope I dont disolve too much gold.
Check the HCl % on the acid, if it is 28% then the acid has been used for treating concentrates from heavy mineral plants.

It will contain Titanous chloride as a reducing agent, when oxidised to the titanic salt it has a purple red colour.

This acid is also sold under the Diggers brand.

You need to have O2 bubbling in AP for it to be effective. Adding more peroxide will work but will also dissolve gold.
You need to wait untill foils are off/gone, then test for dissolved gold in solution. You don't want to lose gold when you dispose of the AP.

scranney said:
I bought the hcl from bunnings the brand name is bondall.
That's the same brand that I use and I have never seen what you describe. Consider also the peroxide, or whether there are contaminants in your containers or fingers.

And you don't keep to want to keep adding peroxide. Just a splash to start is plenty, then find a way keep your AP oxygenated. If you can't get power to it, consider a longer air hose.
scranney said:
I bought the hcl from bunnings the brand name is bondall.

So I went and checked on the process this morning and it has steam coming off it. It was a cold night last night and the morning sun is warming it I geuss. So I decided I didnt want to be around all the vapors so I didnt take a sample in the jar.

I heard a story once and can't remember if it was the forum or not. But, someone had left HCl outside one night and they had some major foggy mist in the area. Half the neighborhood ended up having rust spots. Anyways, just saying moisture in the air can carry it a ways.
You added way too much peroxide to your solution. That color may be the result of it too. No matter the outcome, save your solution, and then stick a piece of CLEAN copper into it, and let it sit there a day or longer because you may have gold that dissolved and it's in the solution.

If you have bare fingers and no floating gold or gold flakes anywhere in the solution, then you have dissolved your gold. It happened to me before, but, my solution still was light green. I had used too much peroxide. You used way too much peroxide.
I gave it all a good shake and the solution seems a lot clearer than yesterday. There were no vapors so i didnt wear a mask and i had a slight chlorine smell and no gold flakes in it and it seems like the fingers are still unpeeled. I dont know what is going wrong. I followed lasersteves video but he added more peroxide. But I geuss if I have disolved gold I dont want to add more or do I have to now?
should I just stop it all?
not quite sure what to do now.
scranney said:
I gave it all a good shake and the solution seems a lot clearer than yesterday. There were no vapors so i didnt wear a mask and i had a slight chlorine smell and no gold flakes in it and it seems like the fingers are still unpeeled. I dont know what is going wrong. I followed lasersteves video but he added more peroxide. But I geuss if I have disolved gold I dont want to add more or do I have to now?
should I just stop it all?
not quite sure what to do now.
Because it appears you don't know what you're doing, do yourself a favor and DO NOT shake any solution. Buy a glass stir rod or a bubbler/air filter pump and do it that way. DO NOT shake any acids and you're not even sure what to do next. Stirring will give the same results of the shaking, WITHOUT the possibility of you shaking acid on yourself. That's crazy. I'm not sure where you heard or learned that from, but I've been refining for almost 3+ years now and I have never shook any acids. Don't do it.

If the gold is still on the fingers, then that most likely mean that the solution haven't worked to its capacity or, you may have other junk in the solution that is on your fingers. Any components on the fingers can and will hamper your recovery efforts if they're still attached to them.

There should be no capacitors, relays, chips, or ANYTHING on your fingers except the fiber board and the gold strips. Anything else, the acids are going to attack them first and then the gold last, for the most part. By then, you've wasted your chemicals and haven't even begun the main process.

DO NOT add any more anything to what you have until you understand what you have. If you stir it every so often (an hour or so, it'll do the same as having a bubbler. It's more labor intensive to have to check it and stir it, but at least you'll get the knowledge you'll need to be refining gold fingers.

I really hope you've read Hoke's book or you're still reading it because there is your foundation on refining. Learn from that. Hoke's book will teach you because it expects you have never touched, refined or dealt with this field before. But, if you have experience in this field, it'll boost your knowledge up even more.

Oh, and as was mentioned to you before, some processes may take days to complete. Don't expect an overnight sensation with this. Your life and others are on the line every time you use and combine the acids needed to refine. This is not a "I messed up, but that's ok" deal here. You have to understand and learn where you messed up.

The mixture of the acids?
The time I let the mixture work?
Did I use too much of this or that?
Did I use enough heat or too much?
What is the weather like while working outside?
Did I dispose of my solution or did I properly pour it into a "stock" bucket?
Do I have enough material to refine?
Is that gold fingers or copper fingers?
... and on and on and on...

Another thing to help you out on this forum if possible for you and anyone, and that is to include photos of what you have. Photos have a way of letting the gurus here look and pretty much tell you what is possibly your problem(s), on any refining subject at hand. Take pictures and post them. Show the steps and let others learn from the photos and others help give the needed advice you need.

Refining with acids is very dangerous, and so is leaving your home everyday to go out into the public.
I am in Perth.
I will give it a stir a few times a day to.
thanks for all the help and reasurance I was anxious about it all.
good thing i had a lid on it or else my fence might have corroded away with all the vapors this morning.
Do not use a lid while it is sitting. Oxygen is needed for it to work properly, and is the reason everyone is suggesting the use of an air pump. If you seal it up, it may explode, uncovered it can make use of the air for oxygen. An air supply such as used in an aquarium will work fine for small lots.
Yeah. I geuss I am learning a lot.
the lid I put on is just a loose fiting lid sitting on top.
seems like very tiny specks of gold in the solution today. Not full foils just specks and some whiteish some yellowish/broen salt? spots up the wall of the bucket.
I geuss it is just working really slow. I try and airate it a few times a day.

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