red mud in filtered,washed,recovered gold not in a/p

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2011
Fullerton ,California. usa
Hello people how is everyone
I hate to beat an old bush but.
I put about 2-3 inches of perfectly cleaned boards (no parts,no solder, no iron) in the
bottom of my 5 gal water bottle
With new a/p solution.
I filtered through coffee filters sitting in a stainless sifter then
Washed into rinse bucket
At this point all was good but
When I started my muriatic. Wash I started to see a red mud
That kinda looked like tin. My washes did not clean up the
red mud
red sounds like iron. if your starting with fresh solution could you have accidently added a piece of iron? what about the magnets,did you take them out yet?
I will try ro answer questions before they are asked

My reaction chamber was clean
Now that Im putting this down
I'm thinking maybe my rinse bucket might have been contaminated from my previous
Process, or my rinse bucket
what are your thoughts on this

Thanks steyr223
Hi ericrm
If you are referring to do I were gloves][/he answer is yes! Well most of the time, OK some of the time and yes I scrap metal.
My partner got me just last year to start wearing gloves,eye protection and ventalation
lol theyr is no offence from me i hope... i had hands just like yours ,it has made me smile and bring back memory that all.i was loving doing scrap
anyway take care of your hand it take months to get them back pink and without cut/stain and groove :)
That's some nice gold flake, but when are you going to show us the red mud? Dr. Poe :?:
steyr223 said:
Hay doc how you doing

Sorry I don't think I take a picture of thati kinda chased it around in
My many washes until I guess It was gone ,but I do have. A filter
with tin and gold :roll:

This is where you learn the patiencee to let solutions settle and siphon off the solution, and if there is any sediment left you put it to the side and process it later if you are not sure what it is.
Yes yes
Actually I wad going to set it aside untill I got a shop as I am still in my truck .then I planned ondoung butcher's 10 page process.on how to get tin out. Just to make it clear the tin is from my last batch(the pins and small cable connectors.the red mud came from this new batch (only boards 95% cleaned of solder I believe my rinse bucket did not get cleaned :oops:
Thanks steyr223. Be sure to look at my new post, it is exciting, to me anyways
Okay boys and girls and others

Last process I did (red mud)I still had about 4-5 assorted keyboards that still had gold on them and maybe a few other boards
I had started. That process with fresh A/p. I endedup pouring solution Back into my reaction bottle after, cleaning and adding the leftovrr boards .ran pump for 4-5 days noticed to clear of solution turned off pump let sit. For 3 days .....continue to next post
Filtered last night
Got red mud again
ill post. Pics as soon. As I can find
Android app to reduce size
Did not notice any mud untill
actually spraying the gold across the coffee filters into my rinse bucket. I did a little test I put the AP through the filters fresh ones and sprayed them as if there was gold on them
when I removed the filters there was My red mud
so it is in the AP solutions.


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i would try and dissolve what was in the filter to see how it reacts to the hcl/cl.if its organic there will be no change (or at least not much of one).if its iron the gold wont dissolve until all the mud is dissolved.just saying thats what i would do to find out more about what i was dealing with.
Green dark green
I decided.for my next process I will clean everything
and new solution
I have checked over and over
There is no iron

PS Geo by the. Way I was using
Muriatic @ 14.5 % home depot
Got some @Lowes o my God
I like 14.5% much better. Unless you put your head in the bucket
It will not take your breath.
For the sake of this form I will use the 32% to see if faster
thanks everyone


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:lol: were you using the muriatic in the green label? the user friendly brand? there are some additives in the green label stuff.that may be the source of your red mud.

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