Refining gold with electrolysis!!!!!

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May 20, 2011
How to refine gold from computer parts with electrolysis?
! Can anyone help, I poison for months!
I would be very, very grateful,any assistance in the electrolysis of gold plate.
My e-mail [email protected]
Thanks much in advance!
Extract gold from computer parts with electrolysis. If someone know anything, instructions , pictures,tutorials or any kind of help I would be very grateful. :?: :?: :?:
I service computers and still have the old plates, cards, etc.
Please help,very very thanks
What does "I poison for months" mean?

A direct electrolytic gold stripping process, such as concentrated sulfuric acid, would only work for things like pins or other all-metal parts that have visible gold. It won't work well on things like fingers, since each individual finger would require a separate electrical connection.

I know that there is a language barrier but I fear you'll have to somehow explain yourself better and in much more detail in order to get the help you want.
trashmaster said:
I have recieved 2 PM's from this person,,, Has anyone else recieved pm's from him????????? And he ask the exact same questions as he posted ::::

I got one PM from him.
Like I said he needs some patience.


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