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Maybe I misunderstood, but I’m pretty sure the OP was asking about recovering copper. With no offense intended toward anyone, if he has to ask a question about cementing copper on iron, is he really prepared to undertake the processes of regeneration of Nitric and using Sterling as a direct feedstock? And the copper recovered still won’t be worth the expense of recovering it when compared to just buying new copper. Again, no offense intended, but unless I really missed something, this conversation has gotten way off topic.
No offense taken and yes the thread has gone a bit off topic. The thread referenced does discuss recovering copper as well as nitrate/nitric and sulfuric acid. The recovery of which are a good best practice to learn and incorporate into anyone's refining activity simply to conserve resources while reducing waste. While you are correct about the economy of the process with respect to scale, there are other benefits to following the proposed protocols which was the overall idea that was proposed in the expanded discussion.

I feel healthy side discussions are a vital part of streamlining ones own refining efforts and in fact may help towards answering the original question. My responses were solely meant to expand upon the completely acceptable answers already given to the OPs question.

Do you you know the answer or not if not why can’t you help? I have been reading and researching . Searching this forum but can’t find a number.
Since I don’t know which post you refer to it is hard to give an answer.
Then you just post “done” without any further explanation.

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