ROOKIE just dont know!

Gold Refining Forum

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New member
Aug 16, 2012
Hello everyone, first day here. I just found this forum after attempting to extract and refine Au from circuit boards. I've already soaked the boards in a Hydrocloric Acid and Nitric acid substitute solution(SUB-ZER0, sold by I started with maybe 3lbs. of gold bearing boards broken down with minimal board excess. With the hydrocloric acid and sub zero(AR) mixed in a container i just poured all the broken board pieces into the Aqua Regia solution. I was thinking everything would be liquified. It took close to 2 hours of soaking before there was any reactions or bubbling. After 3 hours of soaking I seen there was still gold on the boards so I decided to let soak over night, may not have been a good idea, I dont know??

After 11 hours of soaking ALL gold appears to have been removed. I saved the boards just in case. I then removed as much solid waste as possible by filtering through mesh like a pool skimmer. There were still very small particles in the Aqua Regia so I tried a coffee filter on a small amount. I then notciced small flakes of gold that didn't pass through the coffee filter. Does this mean the Aqua Regia solution wasn't strong enough. After removing most waste I added a pinch of urea and nothing. So i gave it a min stirred it around and added a pinch more, nothing. Does this mean the Aqua Regia weakend greatly overnight???

Once urea was added I then proceeded with preciptating the gold, at room temperature. I added storm precipitant slowly while stirring. It changed to a dark maroon color and started looking muddy. Also there appears to be an Algae like substance floating just below the surface of Aqua Regia solution. I do believe theres gold in the solution but it seems contaminated with that cloudy substance.

Right now I have a bucket containing Hydrocloric acid, Nitric substitute(subzero), dash of urea, storm precipitant, and all the gold and fine debris. Oh and theres maybe a cup of distilled water in the mix :) . I'm reaching out in hope of finding someone who has the time to explain maybe what I'm doing wrong. Do I need to go over more steps or repeat any others? This is my first extract and refine rodeo so please keep the negative comments to yourself. This was also a spur of the moment thing so I jumped in this blind. I will be doing my own homework to find solutions and ways of efficiency but any info given pertaining to this subject is GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!

Thanks everyone for taking the time to read my problem. I hope I can be there to help anyone else who has problems I've already or soon shall experience.
DynamicState said:
Hello everyone, first day here. I just found this forum after attempting to extract and refine Au from circuit boards. I've already soaked the boards in a Hydrocloric Acid and Nitric acid substitute solution(SUB-ZER0, sold by I started with maybe 3lbs. of gold bearing boards broken down with minimal board excess. With the hydrocloric acid and sub zero(AR) mixed in a container i just poured all the broken board pieces into the Aqua Regia solution. I was thinking everything would be liquified. It took close to 2 hours of soaking before there was any reactions or bubbling. After 3 hours of soaking I seen there was still gold on the boards so I decided to let soak over night, may not have been a good idea, I dont know??

After 11 hours of soaking ALL gold appears to have been removed. I saved the boards just in case. I then removed as much solid waste as possible by filtering through mesh like a pool skimmer. There were still very small particles in the Aqua Regia so I tried a coffee filter on a small amount. I then notciced small flakes of gold that didn't pass through the coffee filter. Does this mean the Aqua Regia solution wasn't strong enough. After removing most waste I added a pinch of urea and nothing. So i gave it a min stirred it around and added a pinch more, nothing. Does this mean the Aqua Regia weakend greatly overnight???

Once urea was added I then proceeded with preciptating the gold, at room temperature. I added storm precipitant slowly while stirring. It changed to a dark maroon color and started looking muddy. Also there appears to be an Algae like substance floating just below the surface of Aqua Regia solution. I do believe theres gold in the solution but it seems contaminated with that cloudy substance.

Right now I have a bucket containing Hydrocloric acid, Nitric substitute(subzero), dash of urea, storm precipitant, and all the gold and fine debris. Oh and theres maybe a cup of distilled water in the mix :) . I'm reaching out in hope of finding someone who has the time to explain maybe what I'm doing wrong. Do I need to go over more steps or repeat any others? This is my first extract and refine rodeo so please keep the negative comments to yourself. This was also a spur of the moment thing so I jumped in this blind. I will be doing my own homework to find solutions and ways of efficiency but any info given pertaining to this subject is GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!

Thanks everyone for taking the time to read my problem. I hope I can be there to help anyone else who has problems I've already or soon shall experience.

What did the Shor International support team tell you?

:lol: :lol: you should store everything safely and study the forum. download a copy of Hoke's book "Refining precious metal waste". the link is in many members signature line.
jimdoc said:
DynamicState said:
Hello everyone, first day here. I just found this forum after attempting to extract and refine Au from circuit boards. I've already soaked the boards in a Hydrocloric Acid and Nitric acid substitute solution(SUB-ZER0, sold by I started with maybe 3lbs. of gold bearing boards broken down with minimal board excess. With the hydrocloric acid and sub zero(AR) mixed in a container i just poured all the broken board pieces into the Aqua Regia solution. I was thinking everything would be liquified. It took close to 2 hours of soaking before there was any reactions or bubbling. After 3 hours of soaking I seen there was still gold on the boards so I decided to let soak over night, may not have been a good idea, I dont know??

After 11 hours of soaking ALL gold appears to have been removed. I saved the boards just in case. I then removed as much solid waste as possible by filtering through mesh like a pool skimmer. There were still very small particles in the Aqua Regia so I tried a coffee filter on a small amount. I then notciced small flakes of gold that didn't pass through the coffee filter. Does this mean the Aqua Regia solution wasn't strong enough. After removing most waste I added a pinch of urea and nothing. So i gave it a min stirred it around and added a pinch more, nothing. Does this mean the Aqua Regia weakend greatly overnight???

Once urea was added I then proceeded with preciptating the gold, at room temperature. I added storm precipitant slowly while stirring. It changed to a dark maroon color and started looking muddy. Also there appears to be an Algae like substance floating just below the surface of Aqua Regia solution. I do believe theres gold in the solution but it seems contaminated with that cloudy substance.

Right now I have a bucket containing Hydrocloric acid, Nitric substitute(subzero), dash of urea, storm precipitant, and all the gold and fine debris. Oh and theres maybe a cup of distilled water in the mix :) . I'm reaching out in hope of finding someone who has the time to explain maybe what I'm doing wrong. Do I need to go over more steps or repeat any others? This is my first extract and refine rodeo so please keep the negative comments to yourself. This was also a spur of the moment thing so I jumped in this blind. I will be doing my own homework to find solutions and ways of efficiency but any info given pertaining to this subject is GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!

Thanks everyone for taking the time to read my problem. I hope I can be there to help anyone else who has problems I've already or soon shall experience.

What did the Shor International support team tell you?


Sorry Jim, I did forget to mention that I have called Shor several times and left voice messages stating that I just wanted info about the setup. This was prior to ordering the Subzero kit. So maybe 5 calls later I decided to try it myself at least I would know what not to do! So I ordered and prep'd a work area outside. It came with instructions but they were wriiten in almost universal detail leaving many questionable areas. I emailed them this morning and no response yet. They've had almost 2 weeks to contact me. This company is easing their way off my suppliers list.

I don't EXPECT you guys to help me, but real info is awesome! I will be researching more on the matter and trying to figure out this myself. Thanks for the links and I'll figure it out sooner or later. Thanks again!
Did you find Hoke's book yet?

Geo gave you the best advice already.

please dont think that the forum or the people that make up its members are not friendly or helpful. the forum is full of instances to the contrary. we do help people who try to help themselves. take what you have and filter all the solution away from the solids. test the solution with stannous chloride to see if you have any values in the solution. i highly doubt that you do. take all the solids thats left and place them in a sealed container, whether its a glass jug with a plastic lid or a plastic tub with a snap on lid. the process you were attempting is called "poor man's AR" . if you read the guided tour in Lazersteves signature line, it will explain what it is and how it works. when you are sure that you understand the instructions on how to use the process safely, THEN you can go back and uncap your material and finish the process. what kind of idiots would we be to try and walk you through a dangerous process you do not have a clue about.
DynamicState said:
Sorry Jim, I did forget to mention that I have called Shor several times and left voice messages stating that I just wanted info about the setup. This was prior to ordering the Subzero kit. So maybe 5 calls later I decided to try it myself at least I would know what not to do! So I ordered and prep'd a work area outside. It came with instructions but they were wriiten in almost universal detail leaving many questionable areas. I emailed them this morning and no response yet. They've had almost 2 weeks to contact me. This company is easing their way off my suppliers list.

They won't be contacting you, they were done with you when they got done counting your money.
You shouldn't ease them off your supplier list, they should get erased from that list.

Everything they sell is easily found chemicals that they over charge for. The least they could do is give some customer support, or write better instructions.

When you study the forum you will see that you are far from the first, and surely not the last to show up here after buying Shor products.

If you search Shor or Subzero you will find your answers that someone else received for the same problem.

@ Geo.. Ty for your time! I just took a min to cleanup my work area and store things for maybe another day. I've seen how helpful you guys are to one another. I just didn't want to leave the impression that I want you to do my science project! I know I jumped in this too quickly and now I'm just pondering whats going to work best for me. Off to read the book. Thanks
@ Jim.. I made my final call to Shor with a little somethin' somethin' to say.. Long story short they responded immediatley. I spoke with John and come to find out that if you mix water in your Aqua Regia solution it begins to precipitate other metals along with the gold.
Once gold or base metals are dissolved in aqua regia, all adding water would do is dilute solution, it will not change the pH, or add anything to precipitate the dissolved metals, most all metals that were dissolved in solution will stay dissolved (exception the very small amount of silver chloride that formed from the concentrated chloride solution can precipitate).

It does not sound like Shor knows the recovery or refining process, I suggest you tell them to read Hoke's book.
butcher said:
It does not sound like Shor knows the recovery or refining process, I suggest you tell them to read Hoke's book.

I suggest they stop giving advice, and stop selling things they don't have a clue about.
Like they care what I think.

He He !!!

I guess i can tell this story now. I told it to 4metals awhile back. I was actually contacted by some attorneys ( The mickey mouse kind ) that represented a certain company. Seems they didn't take to kindly to me experimenting with there product and spreading my message of wisdom and self hate. No kidding! They didn't like my response to say the least. Sue Me!!!! Yeah...... You all some funny people. :twisted: Haven't heard anything since then and that's been about a year ago. :p
In a way i appreciate the threat because it told me i was perceived as a threat. Seems they act different when they become the prey instead of the customer. I was just having fun. Anyway that's enough said.
Your right and sometimes that mouse bites. If you scream loud enough sometimes they hear you. Sometimes it's a good thing. Other times you put yourself in the line of fire. It's a thin line.
I wish I had heard of this Forum BEFORE I sent money to Shor International. I would still have my money AND tho gold which was lost as a result of them. Try to get a MSDS from them. If you get one, most of their chemicals show a generic name and NOT the actual chemical composition. Having said that, people on the forum have figured out what they are. They are an underhanded method of keeping you coming back to Shor for highly overpriced chemicals which can be found locally or bought online for much less than what Shor charges for them. I don't understand how these people sleep at night.

Your gold is not lost. Most likely it has cemented out of solution and is still there. For you the best advise is to read Hokes book and the forum. Get an understanding of the term "Cement" as it pertains to metals in solution and the effect base metals have. Also understand the"electromotive series" This will tell you where your gold is. Hope you did not throw it out. It did not vanish, it is just in a form you do not recognize.
I too when first looking for recovery solutions called several large refiners and found out just how tiny I was and realized that they are NOT
interested in another small customer (unless they can skim). Then my searches turned up Shor who were so VERY unimpressive in their
knowledge of Platinum work, I decided to find a forum and look for formulas. I found the Turkish method and then found this forum and
like most who looked at Shor,... dropped any and all contact with them like a hot rock.

My first recommendation is to order lazersteve's DVD for the process you are interested in, and while it is being shipped, you read as many
posts in the forum as you can. It has answered dozens of my new guy questions, and now I am left with a few choices and a clear path to
recover and refine my material.

The only other recommendation is to get a Heel Detox Kit (at Amazon, Wholefoods, etc.)and use it to excrete any toxins you may accumulate
so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor in reasonable health.

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