Says Virgin Sulphuric Acid on the bottle, but...

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I have always used Liquid Fire with good results; then again, I've never been able to find another brand. :mrgreen:
I'm filtering half a gallon right now!


I set up my cell yesterday, have not powered it on yet though. I bought the liquid lighting from Walmart too. I looked up the MSDS by the web site listed on the bottle I believe, or maybe I Google searched it. But what I found says that it is only something like 60% sulfuric acid. ( sorry I don't have my notes in front of me ). This could be why some people are having too much copper going into the acid. If too much water is present in the cell it will get hot fast.

I put my liquid lighting in my crock pot, out in my shed, set it on high for 3 days . When it finally stopped heavily steaming and forming bubbles I shut it off, let it cool, and checked the specific gravity. According to notes I found on here it looks like I now have something like 85% sulfuric acid.

Will 85% be OK for my cell?

You need to concentrate it more. Sulfuric acid is very hygroscopic and loves to hold on to water. You did have enough heat to drive the process past 85%. Heat it up more with a hotter heat source and the water will come off.
Thank you palladium!

I thought that might be the case. I'll get setup to crank the heat up. I'll try and set it just above the boiling point of water, but not hot enough to boil the sulfuric acid.

So the buffers in this acid that make it black in color shouldn't cause me too much trouble?

I will try and find another source of sulfuric acid that is clear, but in the mean time I want to use what I have to test my cell and learn with
if you get it hot enough to to boil the concentrated sulfuric (i dont recommend that you do as sulfuric vapors are released) the impurities will settle when cool and leave the solution a thick light golden color like honey.
Last time i bought mine it came from NAPPA auto parts and cost $25 i think for 5 gallons.
got mine from O'reilly"s auto parts for $26 for 5 gallons. it renders down 6 quarts of good concentrated sulfuric acid.

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