Silver plated nuts

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New member
Apr 1, 2010
I have many pounds of silver plated nuts and I would like to know how the experts on this site would tackle this batch (or is it even worth it). which method would be more practical for removal of the plate - silver cell or nitric bath until the plate is gone. it should also be noted that these nuts are used dirty/flaking. they are 15%cr-25%Ni heat and corrosion resistant steel (non-magnetic).
my thinking is - bath to remove all oils and loose debrit, screen all debrit (some might be loose silver plate) and save for further processing. then a nitric acid bath just long enough to remove plating. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Non magnetic type SS are resistant to concentrated (68-70%) nitric acid.

Silver plating should dissolve in a matter of few seconds, i suggest you will experiment with a few clean nuts before moving on to the entire batch.
Thanks for the reply sam.

I also just finish reading a forum thread called "passive chemical stripping" (i think) in which someone used Copper Sulfate (specifically on silver plated nuts). I had not heard of this method but it looked interesting.
You're fortunate to have the base metal be stainless.

Incinerate before digesting with dilute nitric. Process everything, including the ash.


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