so confused, please help!

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Feb 9, 2009
I have really messed things up. I have about 2 gallons of liquid and only have .5 grams of gold and have disolved about 160 headers, (40 pins in each header) 80 fingers from memory cards another 80 fingers from sound cards and modems about 30 fingers from some p2 and p3 cpus and 10 ceramic processors, 90 ic's with the gold corners. i have saved all my solutions and no matter what I do I cant seem to get anymore gold to precipitate. I am using SMB which I bought from a home brew store. Muriatic acid from home depot have peroxide from walgreens. I know I have to have more than half a gram of gold but where is it?

I have a gallon AP solution that is lime green. I also have a little over a gallon of a very dark solution. If someone could help me get some results I would be willing to pay a little something for the help. Or steve I could donate to your site. I know I dont have an ounce of gold but I figured with all the stuff I did I should at least have 4 or 5 grams if not more. well if you can help and have the time PM me and we can work something out.


First things first:

Have you tested the AP solution to confirm you have gold in the liquid?

If so and it is definitely positive for gold, it's a simple matter of adding a thick bar or pipe of copper metal to the liquid. As the copper dissolves into the liquid the gold will be pushed out as a black powder. The solution must become saturated with copper before the gold will begin to precipitate.

Let this powder settle and siphon off the barren liquid.

Redissolve this small amount of powder in AR or HCl-Cl and try again with the much smaller volume of solution.

Thanks for the reply Steve

i had some liquid that I had put some aluminum in and it produced a black sludge. I decanted that several times and washed with hcl. I had about a teaspoon of the black sludge left after 4 or 5 hcl washes. I then added enough hcl to cover this and added a small amount of clorox. let this sit for a while under some heat to disipate the clorox. I Tested the solution for gold, tests positive YAY! The color was almost orange, anyway I added a small amount of smb. It appears that the SMB does not disolve because I get a white powder at the bottom of the glass. and not much color change. I tested again and still tests positive so I added some more SMB it reacts with fizzing but no color change and it still test positive for gold but the volume of powder increases. Have any idea whats going on? All in all I have put about a table spoon of SMB and still test positive for gold.

Actually when I went and took this picture it did not test positive for gold but the previous tests did?


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as far as the other solution, I went and bought some copper pipe because I will need it again I am sure but it did not test positive for gold :( i am going to syphon off the liquid in the morning and see what I have on the bottom. It is SO dark (the liquid) That I can not see through it. I am wondering if I can add some peroxide to a couple cups at a time. It is still very acidic so I want to keep it for future use. I noticed in one of your vidieos that you had taked a sheet of metal out of your precipitation bucket. what was that metal? My liquid is about that same color. See picture below.


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The top solution was boiled and after cooling salt formed in the bottom. I poured the acid off and added water and at last GOLD POWDER!!! Thanks for all the input. I guess the temps here are too cool.

The bottom picture, I put the copper pipe and let it sit for approx 18 hours there was some black sludge at the bottom. decanted and put the sludge in a smaller container and let soak in AP the color is a deep orange with some material at the bottom. Where should I go from here?

I think you may have misread my post.

The black sludge should have been treated with AR (Aqua Regia).

AP (Acid Peroxide) will dissolve the powder but nearly as fast as AR.

Test your solution for gold. If present precipitate with SMB or Ferrous Sulfate.

The remaining sludge may also contain gold powder.

AR is the best way to go with the sludge after proper washing and incineration.
