SO2 gas generator

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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2010
I have read in Hokes book that SO2 gas is the cleanest method of dropping gold from solution. I have called around and found a supplier that will sell a 5 lb. Container of anhydrous SO2 but they want $350.00 and the container is non returnable.
In Lasersteves documents I saw in the guide to sulfurous acids a SO2 generator. I have no background in chemistry but I can follow directions.
(tried to insert pic from guide to sulfurous acid here)
To use the SO2 gas from the generator to drop the gold in a 1000 ml beaker for example would you use the saturated DI water from bottle 1. If so how?
Or would you use a stop cock between bottles 1 & 2 forcing the washed SO2 gas up though the safety tube into a rubber hose and glass tube to place it in the beaker?
If dropping less than a TOZ of gold could you use a smaller charge of copper and H2SO4 to reduce making an excess of SO2 gas.
Thanks in advance