Solution still light brown after drop

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I collected everything and redefined again late last night ended up dropping about .6 gold which has been dried and added to jar. I found out that the solution in the vase was changed to another vase by my wife and it was never rinsed until before it went in the stockpot...... I know I know...... although I did get something at precipitated out after putting copper into the solution after drop. It is kind of a light pink precipitant which kind of makes me think platinum group metals I will attach a picture and set aside, I'm not ready to start with platinum yet. I'm good with silver and learning gold more and more, platinum groups are a different story


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Alliedft said:
It is kind of a light pink precipitant which kind of makes me think platinum group metals I will attach a picture and set aside, I'm not ready to start with platinum yet. I'm good with silver and learning gold more and more, platinum groups are a different story

Don't try to judge what has precipitated by its color. Gold can usually be anywhere from light tan/brown through darker shades to black. But colloidal gold can take on many colors including pink, purple, red, etc.

I can appreciate that you're not ready to "start with platinum yet". It is very hazardous. But IF you actually had platinum in solution that has now precipitated, you've already started with platinum.

I don't try to do the PGM's, but I have been somewhat forced to. A big part of the materials I do have some rhodium, or palladium or both. Yes in very tiny quantities, but the price makes them worth watching out for. I don't refine them, just get them back into metal form which is less problematic health wise over them being in a dissolved state (brain won't me think of the right word just now for that). Now is the time to start those good habits that can save you headaches later when you do feel ready.

I agree with Dave also, color won't be a good indicator most times. If you have decent gold powders then brown is a good indicator but not a guarantee of quality. Since he mentioned colloidal gold, I have more problems with it using household bleach's than any other chemical. Might just be my luck or lack there of, or it might be the bleach.
I've seen not so dense particulated nano gold cintrifuged with poor antibodies to turn the entire tube pink. But it has a nice rainbow.

I started noticing over the years regular off brand bleaches becoming weaker. My daughter dumped a good amount on our not resistant carpet a few years ago. It did nothing. Rewind that a 20 years and the bleach would have made an embarrassing eye sore. I remember, cause my mom whooped the crap out of me.


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I'm going back in solution with it and see what shows on stannous. I guess your right if I have already been to solution with it and cemented it out the worse part is over. I dont think it is pgms though because of the material it came from but not entirely sure since I have a significant amount of sattelite lnb in there as well. I truly appreciate all yalls help sorry about being a pest but better to learn from people with experience than to screw it all up
anachronism said:
You're not a pest.

You want to learn. That works for me and frankly it should work for the other guys here. 8) 8)



I try to help when and where I can. I think most people here feel the same way. For me it is the "pay it forward" mentality. Those whom I have learned from are often busy with more complicated questions to work on, I try to help by going with the very basics since I feel I am still in the "I know nothing" stage. I can try to help you, and others, while those who taught me are watching, and they will call me on any mistakes so I can still learn. It helps you and me. If I can't answer the question, someone will, and we can both learn even more.

It is actually refreshing to try and help someone putting the effort in that you seem to be showing here.
Hello group,
I started to refine some computer RAMs.
Followed the standard procedure and got the gold precipitated for the first time. The gold looked black and dirty so I refined it again with AR and precipitated it again. The color was dark TAN but I wanted more pure gold so I refined the third time. I used urea to denox and then to 80 degree C I added ferrous sulfate mixed in waterz. Now after 8-10 hours I can see some precipitate at the bottom but the solution is still very dark brown(usually it clears up considerably after 8-10 hours( there is precipitation at the bottom but why is the solution very brown. I tested with stannous but there was no gold in the solution. So what should I do to this brown solution throw it or put more ferrous to check if gold is there ?
Please advise why is the solution so brown after precipitating gold
Hello group,
I started to refine some computer RAMs.
Followed the standard procedure and got the gold precipitated for the first time. The gold looked black and dirty so I refined it again with AR and precipitated it again. The color was dark TAN but I wanted more pure gold so I refined the third time. I used urea to denox and then to 80 degree C I added ferrous sulfate mixed in waterz. Now after 8-10 hours I can see some precipitate at the bottom but the solution is still very dark brown(usually it clears up considerably after 8-10 hours( there is precipitation at the bottom but why is the solution very brown. I tested with stannous but there was no gold in the solution. So what should I do to this brown solution throw it or put more ferrous to check if gold is there ?
Please advise why is the solution so brown after precipitating gold
How much did you have?
To meet it sounds like it maybe was too dilute and have created very fine articles that keep suspended in the liquid.
Add a bit sulfuric acid and heat it to a low simmer.
Hello group,
I started to refine some computer RAMs.
Followed the standard procedure and got the gold precipitated for the first time. The gold looked black and dirty so I refined it again with AR and precipitated it again. The color was dark TAN but I wanted more pure gold so I refined the third time. I used urea to denox and then to 80 degree C I added ferrous sulfate mixed in waterz. Now after 8-10 hours I can see some precipitate at the bottom but the solution is still very dark brown(usually it clears up considerably after 8-10 hours( there is precipitation at the bottom but why is the solution very brown. I tested with stannous but there was no gold in the solution. So what should I do to this brown solution throw it or put more ferrous to check if gold is there ?
Please advise why is the solution so brown after precipitating gold
The reason it test negative is that the Gold is already in Metallic state ie 0 valence.
Okk I understand … may I ask you what sulfuric acid does to correct this situation.
It is the general consensus that the reason for suspended particles is a thin coating on each particle.
By simmering in dilut Sulfuric acid this coating is removed and the particles agglemorate.
It is the general consensus that the reason for suspended particles is a thin coating on each particle.
By simmering in dilut Sulfuric acid this coating is removed and the particles agglemorate.
That is perfect … thanks a lot for your help and support … I may not know you but will wish good luck for you because you helped me … thanks again
That is what we try to do in here.
Thanks a lot I got some really clean gold precipitated. I added sulfuric simmered solution and after 6 hours some gold at the bottom… but the solution is still very very dark … I decanted the solution(didn’t throw it) and collected the gold at the bottom. Is there any way there is still some gold left in the solution …
Thanks a lot I got some really clean gold precipitated. I added sulfuric simmered solution and after 6 hours some gold at the bottom… but the solution is still very very dark … I decanted the solution(didn’t throw it) and collected the gold at the bottom. Is there any way there is still some gold left in the solution …
Hard to say, but if you add a small amount of oxidizer to the HCl in there it should redissolve any Gold left in an instant.
It will then test positive if any was left.
Hard to say, but if you add a small amount of oxidizer to the HCl in there it should redissolve any Gold left in an instant.
It will then test positive if any was left.
Great idea again … I’ll add some nitric acid and try to make little AR and then heat the solution and test it with stannous …..
thanks for wonderful advises and your time

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