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Chemical Solution turning blue after SMB

Gold Refining Forum

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Spoke27, it does not matter how the metals got dissolved or which acid is used.
For instance, Copper is not reactive with HCL, but in AP it will form Copper Chloride.
Don't make it too complicated for yourself.

Metals are dissolved by an acid, that takes or gives an electron from the metal atom, ionizing it. Freeing it to bond with another compound like Cl, SO4 or NO3. The hydrogen atom is knocked off as you can see and makes room for the metal ion.

Once a metal is in solution (we call these metal salts) it can be displaced back into its metallic state by a more reactive metal, just by placing the more reactive metal piece in the solution.

Look at the table in this link: https://www.google.com/search?q=reactivity+series&oq=re&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j69i59l2j69i60l2.937j0j7&client=ms-android-samsung-gj-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
The metals that are most reactive are on top of the list. They react with water.
The metals at the bottom of the list are the least reactive. They will only react with very strong acids. Hence the name precious metals. (They dont rust)

If you have a solution containing all of these metals, (theoretically speaking), putting a piece of metal in like, say Copper, will displace the lesser reactive metals: tungsten, mercury, silver, gold, and platinum.( or the platinum group metals or short pgm's)
This helps us refiners to separate the precious metals from the base metals. That's why there is copper in the stockpot.

If you would filter the solids out and put iron in afterward, you will displace everything from cadmium to copper, capturing basically most of the heavy toxic metals.

Study dealing with waste:
All you need to know for now is in 4Metals post. It's the fourth post.
Some finer details are discussed further down the thread.

Thank you very much indeed ... I solved the dust in the filter in Aqua Regia, there were copper or some metals like silver ... then when I washed it with hot water it suddenly turned into a strange color.
When you neutralized your aqua Regis did you use sodium bicarbonate.
If so it would have reacted to any of the palladium (that's the blue) that was left after the aqua Regis.
You should know that even though palladium is a Platinum group metal it is one of the delicate ones. Soft and lighter than platinum and gold. Also less acid resistant.
My suggestion is to rinse your materials in a sodium bicarbonate solution( add electric to it) before using the nitric or aqua Regis to increase your palladium yields.
Just to clarify.
I hope you did not add stannous to the batch. Just a drop to a piece of paper will do.
If you added stannous to the whole batch, what ever gold that was dissolved would have been converted to nano particles and SMB will have no effect.
Just curious to this, if turned to nano particles, how would it be recoverable?